My husband and I just found out we are having a girl and are having a very hard time agreeing on a name. He is not looking in any name books or on any websites. He has been leaving it up to me to give him suggestions. I like the names [name]Siena[/name], [name]Sierra[/name], [name]Audrey[/name], etc. but don’t want something SUPER popular which all of those names tend to be. My husband originally set the criteria that he wanted the first name to start with the letters A or T. I am having a hard time finding any that I like other than [name]Audrey[/name]. My husband told me yesterday that he likes the name [name]Kami[/name] or [name]Cami[/name] or [name]Cameron[/name] but I’m not thrilled about [name]Cameron[/name]. I like [name]Kami[/name] or [name]Cami[/name] but our dog’s name is [name]Cali[/name] and I think that would be weird. Please help me otherwise I fear we will never agree on anything!
[name]Audrey[/name] is a gorgeous name! I have yet to meet a little girl with this name…so I don’t think it is excessively popular. I agree with you that [name]Cami[/name] is too close to your dog, [name]Cali[/name]. [name]How[/name] about [name]Audrey[/name] [name]Cameron[/name]? I think it sounds great! I’ve also seen the spelling [name]Camryn[/name]…just a thought! Good luck!
I like [name]Camden[/name] [name]Rose[/name]…or [name]Thalia[/name]. For A’s, I do think [name]Audrey[/name] is very pretty!
Like you, said [name]Audrey[/name] has become very popular (#44 at the moment), but I think it’s lovely.
Best wishes to you!
I love [name]Audrey[/name]! I also love [name]Camden[/name] and [name]Camryn[/name].
A fun “T” name:
[name]Thandie[/name], a nn for [name]Thandiwe[/name]. You can use [name]Thandie[/name] all by itself.
[name]Tansy[/name], a nn for [name]Anastasia[/name] which means “resurrection”.
[name]Audrey[/name] and [name]Sienna[/name] are both gorgeous! If popularity is an issue, then best to steer clear of [name]Audrey[/name], though …
If I were you, I’d use [name]Cameron[/name] as a mn … but that’s just my personal taste, and the rhyming-with-the-dog issue! [name]Camilla[/name] is a more feminine alternative.
[name]Susan[/name]'s suggestion of [name]Anastasia[/name] nn [name]Tansy[/name] is nice, and fulfills both your husband’s requirements (an A and a T name).
[name]Jill[/name] gave you some very good suggestions, too. Some which I don’t think she mentioned:
[name]Aoife[/name] (ee-fa)
[name]Matilda[/name]/[name]Clotilde[/name]/Ottillie with the nn [name]Tilly[/name]
[name]Natalie[/name] nn [name]Tali[/name]
[name]Natasha[/name] nn [name]Tasha[/name].
Good luck!
I really like all of the suggestions that the previous posters gave (as usual!) and one of the posted the name [name]Aurora[/name] which stuck out to me as perhaps an especially nice choice- its an A/Au name like [name]Audrey[/name] name, its not unheard of but not widly popular, has a fantastic nickname ([name]Rory[/name]) and is a name that is lovely on both a child and as an adult. [name]Just[/name] a suggestion!