Need Help with Country Names

Ok this was miss-named I should have wrote I need help with Cowboy/Cowgirl Names. I’m looking for a boy or girl. [name]Both[/name] me and the hubby train horses for a living and he rodeo’s. For a girl we are looking for something that will age well and has a bit of a cute, spunky feel to it, not overly prissy. For a boy something suitable for a cute baby but a good strong male name as well. We are looking for something with a cowboy/cowgirl feel, but still fresh and not grannyish or old fashioned. Classic is welcome but outdated is not. (yes both of us are picky hence the trouble we’re having) it’s easier for us to find names we don’t like instead of names we do like, which is making this seem impossable

(names like [name]Ethel[/name],[name]Ruby[/name], [name]Martha[/name] are much to granny while emma, molly, dolly and such are to kitschy. lol I guess we are extremly picky hence why I need help, But I’m open to all suggestions! I do have a few “requests/guidelines” :

  1. Please no names with a strong O sound like [name]Olivia[/name] or [name]Sophia[/name] or Beu,
  2. No very biblical names,
  3. No City/ State names like [name]Austin[/name] or [name]Denver[/name] or [name]Arizona[/name]
  4. No flower / Gemstone names like lily or rose or [name]Pearl[/name] I always feel they are very old fashioned and tired

Also I don’t believe in naming a child after their parents (that’s how 75 percent of my family is named [name]James[/name], [name]Stephan[/name], [name]Elizabeth[/name] or [name]Anne[/name]) however middle names are fine. That being said, my first name is [name]Allison[/name] though i go by [name]Ally[/name]. Hubby’s first name is [name]Shawn[/name] (he ideally wants to name a son after him and his father and grandfather but his family also suffers from over used names, those names include every form of [name]Michael[/name], [name]Benjamin[/name], [name]Samuel[/name], [name]Gabriel[/name], [name]Gabriele[/name], and [name]Charles[/name] imaginable. And neither of us like those names, though i have no problem with shawn as a middle name or even as a first name so long as the baby goes by his middle name.

and for each name there will be two middle names

So far for girls we have

[name]Jessie[/name] - (always hated jessica always loved, loved jessie for a girl
never for a boy though)
[name]Kaleigh[/name] - (to me it’s very close to what we’re looking for, spunky,
sweet, and cute but now very overused)
[name]Anne[/name] - ( I really love this for a middle name as my family has
overused it for a first name) + [name]Anne[/name] of green gables, not
crazy bout the meaning
[name]Elizabeth[/name] - (hubby really wants this, and i love it, but again my family
has also over used it, I’m thinking maybe a middle name)
+ [name]Elisabeth[/name] [name]Bennet[/name] from pride & pred, [name]Elizabeth[/name] the 1st,
again not crazy bout it’s meaning though
[name]Blaze[/name] - (love it for a girl, hate it for a boy)
[name]Taylor[/name] - (cute, and sassy to me, though i wonder bout the taylor
swift and unisex thing)
[name]Tracey[/name] - (lol my middle name, but i’m thinking the old west outlaw
harry tracey - an ancestor on my father’s side of the family
and yes my father gave me that mn because of him, so
before anyone mentions naming a kid after a bad guy I was
always very proud to have that name and the history
behind it.) + love the meaning

[name]Shania[/name] (love it’s meaning and the native american flair but no nn)
[name]Aislinn[/name] (not cowgirlish, but i love it, and i love it’s meaning)
[name]Ariella[/name] (not cowgirlish but lovely)
[name]Cheyenne[/name] ( i know i said no city names but i love this name)
Alireen - ( a name invented by me and hubby we combined and played with the sounds of my name and the name of a dear friend [name]Ian[/name] (was killed in Iraq) I rather like it it’s pronounced like [name]Allison[/name] but instead of the son there’s the R with a long E sound, we both ended up liking it, but i wanted everyone’s opinion on it.)

[name]Isabella[/name] - (one of the few names that to me seems classic but not
dated, nn for [name]Izzy[/name], or [name]Bella[/name] but am leaning away from it
with all this Twilight craze)

for Boys:

[name]Ryan[/name] -( I have always always loved this name one of my favorites
and I love the meaning, and sound and well yes it’s been over used in the past but . … still in love with it)

[name]James[/name] (love it ! to me very classic, without being dated, strong, but cute for a little boy, however . . .::sigh:: very overused in my family and hubby’s not a fan)


[name]Jackson[/name] (getting passed [name]Michael[/name] [name]Jackson[/name] I love the versatility in this
name )


Also how do you feel about 2 middle names ? Hubby dosn’t have one so the baby can make up for his lack of one :slight_smile: like [name]Jessie[/name]- [name]Anne[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] or [name]Kaleigh[/name] [name]Anne[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]

[name]How[/name] about [name]Cassidy[/name]?

I love [name]Winona[/name] for a girl, but then I remember you said no strong O sounding names. It means “first-born” daughter in the [name]Dakota[/name] language, according to Behind the Names and nameberry:

I think this is a very fun assignment and try to come up with something suitable with your guidelines to suggest. When you said [name]Shania[/name], the first thing I thought was [name]Winona[/name] (not [name]Wynonna[/name]), because it’s cool, but I will keep thinking.

[name]Tallulah[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Anne[/name] and [name]Wyatt[/name] [name]Dempsey[/name] [name]James[/name] would be cute!

Another thing, my mom’s name is [name]Jolene[/name] ([name]Jolene[/name] [name]Marie[/name]), and people don’t come up to her and ask if she was named after the [name]Dolly[/name] [name]Parton[/name] song, “[name]Jolene[/name]” - she wasn’t. Anyway, the name seems very Southern [name]Belle[/name] to me, and I think it would pair well with a sister named [name]Scarlett[/name]. Another thing, she always goes by [name]Jolene[/name], unless her parents call her [name]Jo[/name]… :slight_smile:

I am English, and over here two middle names is quite common, so I say go for it!

While I can’t really give an opinion on cowboy/girl names as I am not American, I will comment on your options:

[name]Jessie[/name] - I really like this one :slight_smile:
[name]Kaleigh[/name] - the ‘-leigh’ ending makes this too trendy for me.
[name]Anne[/name] - a pretty classic, this is popular but still nice as a mn.
[name]Elizabeth[/name] - as with [name]Anne[/name].
[name]Blaze[/name] - I’m not a fan of this one, although I think the French name [name]Blaise[/name] on a boy is passable. If you do decide to use it, I think it would be better for the long-term in the middle.
[name]Kelly[/name] - being part Irish, I feel almost obliged to like this one, but it’s always felt a little incomplete to me.
[name]Tracey[/name] - this one seems dated.
[name]Shania[/name] - this one seems a little trendy to me.
[name]Aislinn[/name] - I adore!
[name]Ariella[/name] - pretty, but perhaps a little ultra-feminine. I think it would be better as a mn, as I’m not sure how well it would work on an adult.
[name]Jody[/name] - this has always felt to me like it should be a nn for something. You could try [name]Judith[/name] nn [name]Judy[/name] - I think that’s quite sweet.
Joliene - “[name]Joline[/name], [name]Joline[/name], [name]Joline[/name], [name]Joline[/name]” [name]Dolly[/name] [name]Parton[/name] sings in my head … It’s a good song, but not when she hears it every day. [name]How[/name] about [name]Josephine[/name] nn [name]Jo[/name]/[name]Josie[/name]?
[name]Cheyenne[/name] - this one is definitely much too trendy to me.
Crickett - I can see the appeal of this one; it has a snappy, quirky sound. But then I think ‘Like all of those matches my brother played in at school? The ones where I got so bored I used to hide before we had to go? And like those strange little bugs?’
Alireen - my first thought was ‘What?’ As was my second thought. [name]How[/name] about [name]Aileen[/name], [name]Alice[/name], [name]Alicia[/name] or [name]Alison[/name]?
[name]Isabella[/name] - popular but still beautiful.

My favourites :
[name]Jessie[/name] and [name]Aislinn[/name], middle names [name]Anne[/name], [name]Elizabeth[/name], [name]Isabella[/name], [name]Ariella[/name] or [name]Cricket[/name].

[name]Ryan[/name] - quite nice.
[name]James[/name] - such a handsome classic.
[name]Jayson[/name] - why the Y? But either way, it seems dated.
[name]Jackson[/name] - I prefer simply [name]Jack[/name], but this is quite nice too.
[name]Justin[/name] - I’m not a massive fan of this one.
[name]Blake[/name] - I can see the appeal, and I much prefer it on boys to on girls.
[name]Cole[/name] - personally, I think of what naughty children find in their stockings on [name]Christmas[/name] morning.
[name]Colt[/name] - personally, I would steer clear of this if your family are heavily involved with horses … it would be like naming him Foal. But still, it’s quite sweet.
[name]Cody[/name] - this feels like it’s missing something.
[name]Nathan[/name] - nice, although I personally prefer [name]Nathaniel[/name].
[name]Wessley[/name] - strikes me as almost ‘nerdy’. I’m not a big fan of the sound, either.
[name]Kian[/name] - quite nice.
[name]Skyler[/name] - I’m not a fan of this one.
[name]Trace[/name] - I think of crime scenes and radioactive tracers, I’m afraid.

My favourites :
[name]James[/name], [name]Nathan[/name] and [name]Blake[/name], with the middles [name]Colt[/name], [name]Jackson[/name] or [name]James[/name].

From [name]Trace[/name] and [name]Tracey[/name], you seem to like the -ace sound - how about [name]Grace[/name] or [name]Grayson[/name]?

Names which sprang to mind while I read your list were [name]Charles[/name], [name]Blythe[/name], [name]Sloane[/name] and [name]Aurora[/name] (nn [name]Rory[/name]?).

Good luck!

[name]How[/name] about [name]Philip[/name]/[name]Phillip[/name]- means lover of horses OR
[name]Colton[/name] or [name]Colter[/name]

You may be interested in this :

I like [name]Joley[/name], but you said you didn’t like long O’s. Also for a girl I like [name]Kailey[/name], [name]Amy[/name], [name]Kayla[/name], [name]Aubrey[/name], [name]Jaclyn[/name], [name]Annie[/name], [name]Sadie[/name], [name]Shelby[/name]. And for boys [name]Cole[/name], [name]Walker[/name], [name]Sam[/name], [name]James[/name]/[name]Jimmy[/name], [name]Gabriel[/name]

I couldn’t remember the original list and the suggestions, so I apolgize for repeats!

[name]Belle[/name] (I think of [name]Belle[/name] [name]Starr[/name] from the [name]Wild[/name] [name]West[/name])
[name]Jane[/name]/[name]Janie[/name] (Reminds of Calamity [name]Jane[/name])
[name]Annie[/name] ([name]Annie[/name] [name]Oakley[/name])

[name]Abbott[/name] (nn [name]Abe[/name])
[name]Frank[/name] (I think of [name]Frank[/name] [name]Butler[/name])

Good luck!

To add to my other post, here are some names that have a country feel to me (but not so much a cowgirl feel to me):


Good luck!

[name]Tallulah[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Anne[/name] and [name]Wyatt[/name] [name]Dempsey[/name] [name]James[/name] would be cute!

Another thing, my mom’s name is [name]Jolene[/name] ([name]Jolene[/name] [name]Marie[/name]), and people don’t come up to her and ask if she was named after the [name]Dolly[/name] [name]Parton[/name] song, “[name]Jolene[/name]” - she wasn’t. Anyway, the name seems very Southern [name]Belle[/name] to me, and I think it would pair well with a sister named [name]Scarlett[/name]. Another thing, she always goes by [name]Jolene[/name], unless her parents call her [name]Jo[/name]… :-)[/quote]

lol actually [name]Dolly[/name] is once of my favorite country music artists! I did put [name]Jolene[/name] down because of the song (hubby said no way to fancy !) I like your suggestions but [name]Tallulah[/name] and [name]Scarlet[/name] aren’t very cowgirlish to me and dempsey reminds me of that actor i can’t stand. Thank you though the [name]Jolene[/name] bit was really funny

I like [name]Blyth[/name] but [name]Charles[/name] i’m afraid is very overused in Shawns family, [name]Sloane[/name] has that strong O sound to it though, but I love [name]Aurora[/name] that’s so funny that you suggested it, that name was originally on my list but hubby said no because it wasn’t cowgirl enough, however the nickname [name]Rory[/name] is very cute and spunky I think with that nick name I might be able to make another fight for it, thank you! don’t know why I didn’t think of them before.

Also I have decided to take [name]Isabella[/name] off my list, as pretty as it is I really can’t stand Twilight and those books and movies have really ruined this name for me, the only reason it was on there is because I adore the nick name [name]Izzy[/name], but I suppose giving a child a name just so you can call them by nick name isn’t very smart.

[name]Tallulah[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Anne[/name] and [name]Wyatt[/name] [name]Dempsey[/name] [name]James[/name] would be cute!

Another thing, my mom’s name is [name]Jolene[/name] ([name]Jolene[/name] [name]Marie[/name]), and people don’t come up to her and ask if she was named after the [name]Dolly[/name] [name]Parton[/name] song, “[name]Jolene[/name]” - she wasn’t. Anyway, the name seems very Southern [name]Belle[/name] to me, and I think it would pair well with a sister named [name]Scarlett[/name]. Another thing, she always goes by [name]Jolene[/name], unless her parents call her [name]Jo[/name]… :-)[/quote]

lol actually [name]Dolly[/name] is once of my favorite country music artists! I did put [name]Jolene[/name] down because of the song (hubby said no way to fancy !) I like your suggestions but [name]Tallulah[/name] and [name]Scarlet[/name] aren’t very cowgirlish to me and dempsey reminds me of that actor i can’t stand. Thank you though the [name]Jolene[/name] bit was really funny[/quote]

Here are some more:

[name]Nell[/name] ([name]Nellie[/name])
[name]Rebecca[/name] ([name]Reba[/name])
[name]Dorothy[/name] ([name]Dolly[/name])

[name]Russell[/name] ([name]Russ[/name])

I really love [name]Wyatt[/name] because I think it has that rugged, handsome, masculine cowboy feel, but it is easily transferable to a city setting. Same with many of the girls’ names I suggested…

I would use [name]Wyatt[/name] [name]Russell[/name] [name]James[/name] and [name]Sarah[/name] “[name]Sadie[/name]” [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Nell[/name], perhaps, but there are many great options out there! :slight_smile:

Here are some more:

[name]Nell[/name] ([name]Nellie[/name])
[name]Rebecca[/name] ([name]Reba[/name])
[name]Dorothy[/name] ([name]Dolly[/name])

[name]Russell[/name] ([name]Russ[/name])

I really love [name]Wyatt[/name] because I think it has that rugged, handsome, masculine cowboy feel, but it is easily transferable to a city setting. Same with many of the girls’ names I suggested…

I would use [name]Wyatt[/name] [name]Russell[/name] [name]James[/name] and [name]Sarah[/name] “[name]Sadie[/name]” [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Nell[/name], perhaps, but there are many great options out there! :-)[/quote]

[name]Ruby[/name] and [name]Martha[/name] are a bit grannyish for my taste but I like [name]Wyatt[/name] and [name]Russel[/name], and [name]Casey[/name] but for a girl, [name]Chase[/name] is adorable! and I like bennet for a middle name! just to many bens in his family. i’ve never been a fan of austin we are really trying to stay away from "place"names, but [name]Maverick[/name] . . . .that’s an interesting one it has potential. thanks alot!

My son’s name is [name]Porter[/name] [name]Austin[/name]. We got the name because [name]Porter[/name] Wagoner died while I was pregnant, my husband and I are big classic country fans. [name]Austin[/name] is a family name for me. I think [name]Porter[/name] is a country/cowboy sounding name. My name is [name]Molly[/name], so we are [name]Porter[/name] and [name]Molly[/name] not [name]Porter[/name] and [name]Dolly[/name].

[name]Ruby[/name], [name]Martha[/name] and [name]Nellie[/name] are a bit grannyish for my taste and I never cared for [name]Wyatt[/name] but I like [name]Russel[/name], and [name]Casey[/name] but for a girl.

[name]Samantha[/name] was an interesting one I said no at first, it didn’t seem cowgirlish to me, but it’s been growing on me, and I think a little girl called [name]Sammy[/name] is adorable, and [name]Samantha[/name] is an elegant name

[name]Winona[/name], [name]Bronson[/name],[name]Dolly[/name], Glorey and [name]Lowell[/name] have that strong O sound I’m trying to stay away from. But [name]Chase[/name] is adorable!

I like [name]Bennet[/name] for a middle name. It also reminds me of [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Bennett[/name] from one of my favorite books! It would be great for a first name, but there are to many Bens already in his family.

[name]Austin[/name] I have never liked, and we are really trying to stay away from "place"names, but [name]Maverick[/name] . . . .that’s an interesting one it has potential. thanks alot![/quote]


Oh, I totally forgot about the O thing! Sorry!

I’m glad you liked some of the boy names, and I love the Pride and Prejudice connection with [name]Bennett[/name], too. [name]Chase[/name] is simple, elegant, and rugged - and, I did know an adorable [name]Chase[/name]! I kind of like [name]Maverick[/name], too, but I don’t know if you would prefer it as a first or middle name. [name]Ricky[/name] could be a nickname, though. I think many people might say the word was overdone by [name]Sarah[/name] [name]Palin[/name], but I think it is unexpected and original.

I’m glad you like [name]Samantha[/name] a bit, too. I’m thinking maybe more traditional names, even with their more trendy or “cowgirl” nicknames, aren’t quite your style (e.g., [name]Sarah[/name], called [name]Sadie[/name]), but this is more my style. That’s why I’m having a hard time suggesting girl names to you. Ha!

Best of luck!


Oh, I totally forgot about the O thing! Sorry!

I’m glad you liked some of the boy names, and I love the Pride and Prejudice connection with [name]Bennett[/name], too. [name]Chase[/name] is simple, elegant, and rugged - and, I did know an adorable [name]Chase[/name]! I kind of like [name]Maverick[/name], too, but I don’t know if you would prefer it as a first or middle name. [name]Ricky[/name] could be a nickname, though. I think many people might say the word was overdone by [name]Sarah[/name] [name]Palin[/name], but I think it is unexpected and original.

I’m glad you like [name]Samantha[/name] a bit, too. I’m thinking maybe more traditional names, even with their more trendy or “cowgirl” nicknames, aren’t quite your style (e.g., [name]Sarah[/name], called [name]Sadie[/name]), but this is more my style. That’s why I’m having a hard time suggesting girl names to you. Ha!

Best of luck![/quote]

lol i’m sorry I don’t mean to make things difficult, I think i just got even more picky because I just found out that this isn’t just for fun anymore. Actually if it wasn’t so hard to find the “right kind of names we are looking for” I wouldn’t have asked for the help. I figured more heads are better than one . . . .he dosn’t suggest any just says yes or no to ones I suggest grrrrrr.

and actually some traditional names I love- ex [name]Charlotte[/name], [name]Anne[/name], [name]Elizabeth[/name], [name]James[/name], [name]Ben[/name], david but are overused in our families, which makes it even harder. I would love to name my son [name]James[/name] or [name]Bennet[/name] (i’m really in love with that name now). . . .Actually I like the name [name]Sadie[/name] but I can never name my child that lol the rankest craziest horse I ever had to break out was named [name]Sadie[/name], and [name]Shawn[/name] was attacked by a dog with that same name as a child. lol

If there are too many Bens in the family already then how about [name]Beckett[/name]. It has the same sound but no [name]Ben[/name] issue.

And I love [name]Casey[/name] on a girl btw.

[name]Oakley[/name] (after [name]Annie[/name] [name]Oakley[/name])
[name]Trace[/name] [name]Michael[/name] (my friends little boy has this name and everyone says it sounds like a cowboy”s name)
[name]Wyatt[/name] (classic cowboy name)
[name]Sawyer[/name] (girl or boy)

I also second the names [name]Maverick[/name] and [name]Aurora[/name]. I love the name [name]Rory[/name] for a little girl and it is cute and strong at the same time. My husband suggested [name]Maverick[/name] for our baby, and it is growing on me.