Need help with Old Norse/Scandinavian, ect. names

In an effort to find names I like as much as our first choice (our first choice is [name]Pollux[/name]; there is a thread already as to why we are hesitant to choose this name), I’d like some help with Old Norse, Welsh, Icelandic, and that general geographic area names. I’ve reviewed lists upon lists, but I don’t fully understand how many of them are pronounced. So if anyone on here can suggest unique but usable names that fit the bill, and can also provide an example of how they are said…I’d be most grateful.

Thanks, Berries!

I would like to know some old Scandanavian names as well.

Pryderi (I’ve been in love with this one lately.)
[name]Haldor[/name] / [name]Halldor[/name]
Runi (Meaning, origin and history of the name Rúni - Behind the Name)

First one that comes to mind is [name]Odin[/name]/[name]Oden[/name], which is the most usable one I know!

Aleifur, Atli, Bardi, Birgir, Bryngeir, Borkur, Dyri, Eilifur, Eldgrimur, Elvar, Erlendur, Finnur, Fjölvar, Fjölnir, Freybjorn, Freygardur, Freymundur, Frosti, Fylkir, Gamli, Gauti, Geirir, Gisli, Gissur, Haflidir, [name]Halldor[/name], Halogi, Hersir, Hildir, Hilmir, Holmur, Illugi, Jofull, Knutur, Kölur, Kvistur, Loftur, Lyngvi, Ormur, Ottar, Pietur, Refkell, Saxi, Sigfus, Sigtyr, Skorri, Skuli, Snorri, Sofus, [name]Starri[/name], Stigur, Sörli, Tyrfingur, Ulfur, Valur, Vatnar, Vebjörn, Vestar, Veseti, Vöttur.

[name]How[/name] do you pronounce the ones that aren’t glaringly obvious? For example…Kivistur? I need pronunciations to go with these names before I can consider them. I can’t consider it if I don’t know how to say it lol.::