My soon to be in-laws decided to give us their advice too because we couldn’t decide on names and so they gave us some that they picked out. We are just have a rough time tryin to pick out names, it’s crazy. But here are my soon to be in-laws ideas please help us out we really need advice. And thanks soo much for taking time to help. We really appreciate it. If knowing the last name helps you out it’s Rutledge.
If it’s a boy: [name]Shia[/name] [name]Keaton[/name] [name]Parker[/name] R
If it’s a girl: [name]Aurora[/name] [name]Scarlett[/name] [name]Mirabelle[/name] R
[quote=“amss0818”]My soon to be in-laws decided to give us their advice too because we couldn’t decide on names and so they gave us some that they picked out. We are just have a rough time tryin to pick out names, it’s crazy. But here are my soon to be in-laws ideas please help us out we really need advice. And thanks soo much for taking time to help. We really appreciate it.
This is really disturbing! I think you and your husband should pick out names. It’s hard enough when two people have to come up with names, let alone four people.
If it’s a boy: [name]Shia[/name] [name]Keaton[/name] [name]Parker[/name] R - [name]Shia[/name] is a very bad name for a boy. He will be teased. [name]Shia[/name] sounds like “she”. The elementary and middle school boys will be throwing the dodge ball at his head. Thank you, [name]Jill[/name], for that image or maybe it was [name]Karen[/name] who came up with that. The combo of [name]Keaton[/name] and [name]Parker[/name] is a bit cloying to me.
If it’s a girl: [name]Aurora[/name] [name]Scarlett[/name] [name]Mirabelle[/name] R - These are all pretty names, but the important thing is, do you love them? You will be saying your baby’s name for many years, might as well choose a name that you really love.
Whatever name you chose should be something that you and the babys dad should pick. A name is the most personal thing that you can give your baby, and you only get one chance to do it right.
When my niece was born my brother looked into our family tree for inspiration. [name]Roberta[/name] (great aunt) [name]Jemima[/name] (name on sils side) works for her.
Good luck.