Me and my friend are co-writing a book and i have the names for almost all my characters (thank you to those who gave me ideas for the now called [name_m]Emerson[/name_m] and [name_f]Clementine[/name_f] Olivetti im kind of obsessed with how wonderful the names turned out) but im having a bit of difficulty figuring out the name and some other details of one character in particular she is 18 years of age and the setting of the story is in a sort of mix between steampunk and medieval we are still figuring out a lot of other details such as what creatures reside there and what-not she will be involved in a love triangle (I have some fun ideas for that and it isnt how it might be assumed with two guys liking her but with one guy liking the other (even if its not said out loud i have to add queer representation as a queer person and becase almost all my other characters are queer and its a tradition so yeah…)and that one liking her and her liking the one that likes the other guy I plan on not actually having those feelings said in the book but i want to have a moment where readers make a ship name for them and think its not cannon but should have been and im just gonna show up like well actually it is cannon and if your using ship names use the one I made as the creator of these characters and will encourage people to write little stories about if things had gone different if it works out it’ll be completely perfect) she will end up with one of the guys and yeah im still trying to decide on her background and weather she grew up in a more steampunk area or a more medieval area or maybe a bit of both so please give names from both genres i need first name ideas last name ideas and if you have them nicknames or middles as for personality i think she will be tough and smart and skillful in fighting with some sort of blade she will also be a bit blunt sometimes and seem a tad bit rude so take this information and do with it what you can to help I thank you au revoir!
Medieval names:
[name_f]Do[/name_f] you know about this resource? Names — Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources
I like the name [name_f]Edwige[/name_f] for this character. Both steampunk and medieval and I like that the name harkens to a “blade”. But if [name_f]Edwige[/name_f] isn’t your cup of tea… here are some other ideas…
[name_f]Lavinia[/name_f] - nn “Vinny”
[name_f]Lucetta[/name_f] - nn “Lucy”, “Sety”, or “Etta”
[name_f]Elsinore[/name_f] - nn “Elsie” or “Nora”
[name_f]Roxana[/name_f] - nn “Roxy”
[name_f]Rosamel[/name_f] - nn “Mel” or “Rosie”
Those are some lovely names thankyou
A lot of those are very unique i love unique names for my characters thankyou