Need names for my book characters!

See the results of this poll: Names for my book characters

Respondents: 8 (This poll is closed)

  • Monroe Vega : 4 (50%)
  • Desiree Peace : 0 (0%)
  • Parker Jakobs : 0 (0%)
  • Liam Night : 1 (13%)
  • Thomas Woods : 2 (25%)
  • Channing Wild: 1 (13%)

[name]Monroe[/name] [name]Vega[/name] is my favourite. Desirée is nice, but you need the accent over the E. Not sure about Desirée [name]Peace[/name]. [name]How[/name] about Desirée [name]Paige[/name]?

[name]Parker[/name] Jakobs would make everyone think boy. Unless it’s her surname? (If [name]Peace[/name], [name]Night[/name] and [name]Vega[/name] are surnames, I’d advise against them. They don’t seem realistic.)

In stories, it’s always best to avoid names strongly associated with one gender for the other, like [name]Parker[/name] for a girl.

For some accurate suggestions, can you tell us about the characters and the setting? If it’s in the future or a fantasy setting, you can probably afford to be a little more flexible in naming conventions. Also, think of what their parents would name them. :slight_smile:

I picked [name]Monroe[/name] [name]Vega[/name] as well. I also like [name]Channing[/name] and [name]Thomas[/name]. But like pp said, it’s hard to really choose a name without any background information