Need some Opinions

So, as some of you are aware, hubby and I are working on conceiving. We’ve been thinking about names for a while now, but recently, we realized we both really liked [name]Raphael[/name]. So, we started looking for middle names and are adding it to our list. We found 3 middle names we like with it, but are conflicted. He has his favorite and I have mine, so now we’re asking you guys.

[name]Raphael[/name] Drakon – Drakon pronounced [name]Drake[/name]-uhn. This is a Greek name meaning Dragon.
Pros:: We both like the nickname [name]Drake[/name] and think it goes good with the first name.
Cons:: He keeps pronouncing it Drak -uhn ( Drak rhyming with cat). He doesn’t know why and it bothers us.

[name]Raphael[/name] [name]Phoenix[/name] – Greek mythological name for the bird that dies and is reborn. [name]Phoenix[/name] was also the son of Agenor and the founder of Phoenicia.
Pros:: We both love the association and the nickname [name]Nix[/name].
Cons:: I feel like more people would think of the city [name]Phoenix[/name], AZ than the mythology. he is worried that [name]Nix[/name] will make people think of the definition “[name]Nix[/name]=nothing”

[name]Raphael[/name] Zarex – Zarex is the name of a hero of Ancient Greek mythology, son of Carystus or Carycus, grandson of Chiron (the wisest of the centaurs). He is credited with having learned the music of [name]Apollo[/name], and having founded the town of Zarex in Laconia.
Pros:: [name]Love[/name] the sound and the fact that there will never be another kid with the first or middle name Zarex in his class…most likely. [name]Love[/name] the nn [name]Rex[/name] or Zar (rhymes with Care).
Cons:: Only that the X ending seems weird with the S at the end of our last name…not that big a deal.

Which do you prefer? Any thoughts, comments? Would really be appreciated Thanks!

I also love the name [name]Raphael[/name] its adorable! ( what nn would you use???)

Personally I like [name]Raphael[/name] [name]Pheonix[/name] … I dont really think of the city i think of the mythology! I also like the double PH in the name!
It different but still familiar! I dig it!


I really like [name]Raphael[/name]! Im not a huge fan of Drakon and the nn [name]Drake[/name] reminds me of the singer, [name]Phoenix[/name] is nms but nice, unique but familar, its the one I would choose.

Would you consider some form of [name]Apollinaire[/name] as a mn? I think it would work well and is sort of a tribute to [name]Apollo[/name].

[name]Phoenix[/name] I suppose don’t like [name]Nix[/name] for a nn though.

I liked Zarex till I thought of Farex (baby cereal) so Xenon would be my choice here.

I would use [name]Apollinaire[/name] or some such form, but then the initials would be RAT and I don’t like that at all >.< We’ve decided to honor Apollo with a name that means something to do with him, like Sophia meaning wisdom and honoring Athena.

@ backtomyroots - If I were to use a nickname from the first name, I would use Rafe maybe, but I prefer using the full first name. I also love the idea of using a nickname from the middle name so that the middle name is incorporated.

@ Rollo - I love Zarex and have never heard of that cereal. Honestly, a connection to cereal doesn’t really bother me :slight_smile: Xenon is interesting though, I’ve not considered it and like the sound well enough and it’s from history…I’ll run it by hubby.

Thanks for the responses! I’d love some more :slight_smile:

I like [name]Phoenix[/name] and Zarex both. [name]Phoenix[/name] a little more. Drakon is OK but I don’t like it as much as the other two. [name]Phoenix[/name] makes me think of the mythological creature and the acting brothers more than the city fwiw.

What about a sun name for [name]Apollo[/name]? [name]Raphael[/name] [name]Sol[/name] is nice, [name]Raphael[/name] [name]Helios[/name]…somewhat. [name]Raphael[/name] [name]Solomon[/name] I love, it is not really a sun name of course, but gets the [name]Sol[/name] in there. [name]Raphael[/name] [name]Delphi[/name], as he is associated with the [name]Delphine[/name] Oracle?

Good luck!

Oh and must say: [name]Love[/name] [name]Raphael[/name]! Dashing!

I love [name]Raphael[/name]!! [name]Raphael[/name] [name]Phoenix[/name] is by FAR my favorite! It seems to match your other combos really well :slight_smile: In general when someone says [name]Phoenix[/name], I think of the city, but since I knew this was your thread I knew instantly that it was there for the mythology connection, so I think that anyone who knows you would do the same :slight_smile: Drakon seems a little similar to the many made up trendy names, sorry :frowning: If you had not provided the pronunciation, I would have said Drak un (Drak rhyming with cat) Zarex just seems a little mismatched with [name]Raphael[/name] to me.

I agree Jesba, [name]Raphael[/name] is very dashing! I’m glad so many people are liking [name]Phoenix[/name] and not for the city. We both have bad connotations with that city.

Also, about the [name]Apollo[/name] thing, we’re using Lykaion (li-[name]KEYE[/name]-uhn) as a middle name ([name]Asher[/name] Lykaion). It is a variation of Lykaios which means wolf. The wolf is one of the sacred animals of [name]Apollo[/name] and Lykaion is the name of a mountain in Greece where an old temple to [name]Zeus[/name] is. So we get to honor [name]Apollo[/name] and [name]Zeus[/name] with that one :slight_smile: