I need help. Nothing appeals to me & DH in terms of boy names. We are not finding out the sex, so we need to be sure to have a good solid name for a boy or a girl. I like traditional and old-fashioned names. Among the more trendy, I like the short, one-syllable names. Some of my faves that DH rejected (we both have to [name]LOVE[/name] the name, so some he’s OK with but we’re still waiting for “the one”):
[name]Joseph[/name] (Our daughter is [name]Joanna[/name], or [name]Jojo[/name] for short)
[name]Samuel[/name] (the top of our list right now)
We like [name]Art[/name] (a family name), but don’t want him to be called Fart. We like [name]Gus[/name], but I’ll only name a kid [name]August[/name] if he’s born in the month of [name]August[/name]. [name]Owen[/name] is a fave, but recently used in our family. Considering [name]Rowan[/name] as an alt., but again, we don’t [name]LOVE[/name] love it.
Any suggestions appreciated. I have until the spring, but I’m at my wit’s end already.
I did put in some two syllable names because it looks like you aren’t completely opposed to them, just prefer the one syllable names.
What names are you considering for a girl? That might help us to come up with more suggestions. Also, what are the names that your husband likes the most? Maybe between looking at your fave girl’s names and getting a sense of your husband’s taste that will help you find a name you love.
Thanks for the suggestions! For girls, we’ll likely use [name]Margo[/name] [name]Helena[/name] (named for grandmothers, as [name]Joanna[/name] was). But we also like [name]Leah[/name], [name]Allison[/name], [name]Caroline[/name]. I like a wide variety of traditional girls’ names. Boys are hard for us.
And yeah, they don’t have to be one syllable, but those are the ones that most appeal to me. And I would definitely use a full name and just a 1-syl nn for a boy.
DH has no suggestions. I just suggested [name]Clark[/name] (a previous rejection of his) and his response is “I don’t hate it”
Personally, I like the name [name]Luke[/name] (or [name]Lucas[/name]) and [name]David[/name]. I intend to name my son either of the two names…that is IF we ever get a son. We have two daughters now, and we are slowly considering to stop at the number.
We named our first son [name]James[/name] and [name]LOVE[/name] it! Goes by [name]James[/name], too. No nn’s. Thought this name would be more popular than it is, but we rarely run into other [name]James[/name]'s. My husband’s name is [name]John[/name], I also really like the name [name]Jack[/name] but would probably never use it b/c way too many J’s then!
[name]John[/name]: I think it’s very handsome…
[name]Joseph[/name] (Our daughter is [name]Joanna[/name], or [name]Jojo[/name] for short): With a [name]Joanna[/name] (I love that name), I think that [name]Joseph[/name] would be too much [name]Joe[/name]…
[name]Nate[/name]: I love it as a nickname for [name]Nathaniel[/name] or [name]Nathan[/name]…
[name]Abe[/name]: I love it as a nickname for [name]Abraham[/name]…
[name]Samuel[/name] (the top of our list right now): I think it’s a great name…
[name]James[/name]: I love this, too!
[name]Frank[/name]: I like [name]Frank[/name]…
My favorites: [name]Samuel[/name], [name]John[/name], and [name]James[/name]. (I love [name]Joseph[/name] so much, but not with [name]Joanna[/name].)
[name]James[/name] - J theme
[name]Timothy[/name] - little longer but has nn [name]Tim[/name] and goes very well with [name]Johanna[/name] imo
[name]Zachary[/name] nn [name]Zack[/name] - also a good fit with [name]Johanna[/name]
I love [name]Margo[/name] [name]Helena[/name] too!
Some of my favorites (that I have run past DH previously only for him to reject are:)
[name]Isaac[/name] (I [name]LOVE[/name] this…but his best friend’s kid’s name)
[name]Noel[/name] (wanted to use for DD if she were a boy because she is a [name]December[/name] birthday. He doesn’t like it)
[name]Scott[/name] and [name]Allen[/name] are family names I would love to use.
[name]Paul[/name], [name]Sean[/name], [name]Tom[/name], [name]Luke[/name], [name]Rhys[/name] - all earlier DH rejects
[name]Henry[/name] is a name I adore but 100% doesn’t work with our last name.
Names I love from your lists:
[name]Ronan[/name] (knew a nice Irish guy by this name)
[name]Nathan[/name] (hard-core reject by DH - bad association)
[name]Griffin[/name] - hadn’t considered before!
DH and I used to think we would name a son [name]Miller[/name] for a long time, then began to think that (1) people will associate it with cheap beer; (2) last name as first name=maybe too trendy?; (3) With our last name it sounds like a person from history
[name]Samuel[/name] nn [name]Sam[/name]
[name]Benjamin[/name] nn [name]Ben[/name]
[name]Charles[/name] nn [name]Charly[/name]