Nefertiti middle name?

What would you use as a middle name for [name]Nefertiti[/name]?

I would choose something simple, but with an Arabic, [name]African[/name] or Middle Eastern feel. It also depends on the last name.

I’m just wondering how simple should it be? It’s such an exotic first name that I don’t want to wash it out by adding [name]Jane[/name] in there, but I also don’t want the middle name to compete.

Hmm, that’s a very tough choice because like others have said, you don’t want to ruin the name by using a common filler name, like [name]Nefertiti[/name] [name]Kate[/name], but you don’t want to have a hugely bold name in the middle slot to make the whole thing sound a little confusing and long, like [name]Nefertiti[/name] [name]Esmerelda[/name].

I would probably take a common middle name, lets say [name]Jane[/name], for instince, and change it up a llittle. So from [name]Jane[/name] to…


or play around with the ending, instead of beggining. So from [name]Jane[/name] to…


Or make changes in the middle. So from [name]Jane[/name] to…


Or just completely mess with the name using a few techniques. So from [name]Jane[/name] to…


You could do this with pretty much any simple name. [name]Just[/name] some quick examples -

[name]Claire[/name] - [name]Clara[/name] - [name]Cara[/name] - [name]Cora[/name] - [name]Coraline[/name]

[name]Anne[/name] - [name]Anna[/name] - [name]Annie[/name] - [name]Annika[/name] - [name]Anouk[/name]

[name]May[/name] - [name]Maya[/name] - [name]Maelle[/name] - [name]Maeve[/name] - [name]Maeva[/name]