I know, I know, [name_m]Nemo[/name_m] the clown fish.
…But growing up, my dad use to watch the movie 20 thousand leagues under the sea, and I remember how excited he was to talk about Captian [name_m]Nemo[/name_m]!
I definitely love names that have that nautical vibe, and [name_m]Nemo[/name_m] has that imo. But Finding [name_m]Nemo[/name_m] has ruined it, everyone associates it to the fish now.
Am I the only one that like it? Should [name_m]Nemo[/name_m] make a come back? Up against [name_m]Elio[/name_m], [name_u]Theo[/name_u], [name_u]Milo[/name_u], [name_m]Cosmo[/name_m], Arlo… [name_m]Nemo[/name_m] isn’t that “out there”. It just has a strong association.
Are there any other similar names out there like [name_m]Nemo[/name_m]? I’d love to know.
i’m not a huge fan of Nemo, but one of my friends actually goes by Nemo (it’s a nickname, though) and i’ve always liked it on them! i think the association will have faded enough in 10-ish years, and it’s not like the association is a bad one, anyways
some similar names:
Marlo / Harlow
same here! i actually really like it and hate the strong association it has
some alternatives i’ve considered:
[name_m]Remo[/name_m] (or Remus) and [name_u]Noe[/name_u] (or Noé) also have nautical vibes!
I don’t mind the name, but I don’t like the association. I think if it didn’t have the association I’d like it a lot more. It’s still a nice name though! I’ve heard of someone called [name_m]Nevo[/name_m] which is similar but doesn’t have the associations.
Other similar names:
I think of Captian [name_m]Nemo[/name_m] and [name_m]Nemo[/name_m] in Bleak House before Finding [name_m]Nemo[/name_m] but I’m guessing that’s just the lit student in me
I do kind of enjoy it and it has an interesting and nautical sound but I think a lot of people would think of the fish
I actually like [name_m]Nemo[/name_m], I don’t think it’s unusable! Also my first associations are [name_m]Captain[/name_m] [name_m]Nemo[/name_m] and [name_m]Nemo[/name_m] Nobody from that movie with [name_m]Jared[/name_m] [name_f]Leto[/name_f], not the fish
I personally think it’s one of those names that people will think of their strong association once/at first, but will very quickly accept the wearer as the new association. If I met a Nemo I’d think of the fish for a couple of minutes and then move on. I know of a little boy called Nemo and the fish doesn’t even cross my mind at this point.
You just have to be willing to deal with some initial “oh like the fish!” comments when you first introduce Nemo. But overall it’s a positive association.
As far as the name goes I like it, it’s fresh, quirky, with an interesting sound. Easy to spell and pronounce. I enjoy the -o ending. I loved hearing it on the little boy I know of!
It could be a cute nickname for Nicodemus if you wanted to give him a chance at avoiding the fish thing.
I think that [name_m]Nemo[/name_m] is cute! I don’t think that [name_m]Nemo[/name_m] the fish is a bad association at all. He’s a nice guy, right? But I do have a good idea. It’s not my idea; it’s an acquaintance’s teenage son. But his name is [name_m]Nehemiah[/name_m] nn [name_m]Nemo[/name_m]. Don’t you love that? I think it’s really handsome.
I find the fish association too strong, personally. It’s a cute name but it’s basically only got that one association in my mind.
[name_m]Nero[/name_m] sounds similar, but that’s obviously a very strong (rather more negative!) association too… Maybe [name_m]Remo[/name_m] or [name_m]Rumo[/name_m]?
I doubt that will be the case, honestly. Finding memo is already pretty old, however, like toy story, it seems to be one of those Pixar classics that will forever be reintroduced to a new generation of young kids (just like Ariel or Mulan are still tied to the movies - even without their remakes).
And that doesn’t take into consideration the adults that a young Nemo would meet.
I do think it’s a cute name but definitely eternally tied to the character - if that’s a problem or not would be up to the parents.
I do think a longer name nn Nemo (I’m thinking Nepomuk, but that’s very out-there) would work really well, though!
I have a long time neighbor named [name_m]Nemo[/name_m] as a nn for [name_m]Nehemiah[/name_m] and I’ve always quite liked it. He is 21 now and the name suits him well! He got a lot of fish references growing up, but that is mostly because he was 3 when the original movie came out and all his friends grew up loving the movie. Nowadays, Finding [name_m]Nemo[/name_m] is an obvious reference, but it doesn’t have the same hold on society that it did in the mid-2000’s (lol). I think [name_m]Nemo[/name_m] is a very fine name and would be great on a little one!
I’m not the biggest fan on [name_m]Nemo[/name_m], and I think the connection is strong, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use the name! It is similar to [name_m]Eilo[/name_m], [name_u]Theo[/name_u], [name_u]Milo[/name_u], [name_m]Cosmo[/name_m], and [name_u]Arlo[/name_u] like you said, so it’s not too out there.
I dont think it’s unusable! I think if I met a little boy called [name_m]Nemo[/name_m] in real life I’d really grow to love it. [name_m]Just[/name_m] like how refuse to give up my love for the name [name_f]Fiona[/name_f] just because of Shrek
[name_f]My[/name_f] only issue with it is that I can’t really picture it on an adult for some reason. But I also haven’t seen 20 Thousand Leagues Under the [name_u]Sea[/name_u] so that might be why. I’ll add [name_m]Nilo[/name_m], [name_m]Reno[/name_m] & [name_m]Finlo[/name_m] to the mix
[name_m]Geronimo[/name_m] is a family name we would love to honor so we have been considering [name_m]Geronimo[/name_m] nn [name_m]Nemo[/name_m] for a while. We also have a personal connection to [name_u]Jules[/name_u] [name_u]Verne[/name_u] which makes using [name_m]Nemo[/name_m] more appealing.
I’m very pro-using it. I’m not sure if we are yet but I think it’s definitely usable.