New Create a Family With a Twist

[name_f]Pascaline[/name_f] [name_u]Andrea[/name_u] Simms (22) is one of [name_f]Roza[/name_f] 's coworkers. Being able to work in a fine dining restaurant as someone in charge of the dessert menu is a huge achievement for her. Everyone around told her that she would achieve nothing going to pastry school instaed of college , and yet here she is!

[name_f]Pascaline[/name_f] 's specialty have become traditional Polish desserts over the years - be it the essential [name_u]Christmas[/name_u] cake makowiec (poppy cake) , an [name_f]Easter[/name_f] stable mazurek (dried fruit and nuts cake) or the fits-every-ocassion-under-the-sun sernik (cheesecake). Being a pastry chef however comes with long working hours, lots of preassure , perfectionism and very demanding customers - including celebrities who can make or break the business with one social media post. To unwind from this preassure , [name_f]Pascaline[/name_f] enjoys staying close to nature and camping - tents are like a second home to her and if she didn’t already have a family , she would choose the van life. She didn’t manage to go to college because of falling pregnant with her son at 19 and being rushed into a quick marriage by her husband’s family. He has since gone no contact with his mother due to her overbearing influence and disrespecting [name_f]Pascaline[/name_f] 's wishes to be only with her husband in the delivery room when she was birthing her son. He knows his mother felt entitled to [name_f]Pascaline[/name_f] 's space because she didn’t really approve of the marriage and wanted to dictate the young couple’s life as to lessen her own disappointment over the fact that her son definitely won’t marry the older woman’s best friend’s daughter - a girl who , ironically , now lives in Szczecin , Poland with [name_f]Tekla[/name_f] 's younger brother after the two bonded in a summer romance when [name_f]Tekla[/name_f] 's brother was in [name_u]Maryland[/name_u].

[name_f]Pascaline[/name_f] jokes that her willingness to be so close to nature and be wild was because of her brothers’ influence - they would always climb trees and get dirty in the mud with her , [name_f]Pascaline[/name_f] couldn’t possibly be the one falling behind. This competitiveness helped her work in a high-preassure environment like the fine dining restaurant , while also she has been able to teach her son how to deal with failure when he lost his first baseball game in the little league.

[name_f]Pascaline[/name_f] doesn’t want to be nosy and get into the details of her brothers’ lives and relationship dynamics, instaed trying to just be the best sister and aunt she possibly can. What makes her laugh, though , is the fact that brother [name_u]Eddie[/name_u] 's " sham marriage for insurance" with [name_f]Bonnie[/name_f] did in fact end up in passionate romantic love , as raising [name_u]Quincy[/name_u] got them closer together but also they didn’t forget their passions , like travelling and always gave eachother space to grow together but also be their own people. One of the overseas travels has ended up being for adoption purposes and [name_u]Quincy[/name_u] is soon getting an older sister from [name_u]Kenya[/name_u] , a very bubbly and gifted 7-year-old who is excited to continue learning in school on a more regular basis , not relying on volounteer teachers from the orphanage. [name_f]Pascaline[/name_f] is excited to welcome her new niece and continue spoling [name_u]Quincy[/name_u]. She knows that [name_u]Quincy[/name_u] is not in fact her brother’s biological daughter and admires her brother for adopting and embracing both children as his own despite having no blood ties to them. [name_u]Eddie[/name_u] 's relationship with his children is similiar to how [name_f]Pascaline[/name_f] feels about her relationship with Poland - she has become very close with [name_f]Roza[/name_f] and her friends living in the neighbourhood , and despite having no Polish ancestry has become immersed enough in the cuisine and culture that part of her feels Polish at heart.

Bonnie was made by @jinxed_peach
Quincy was created by @Lindseylloyd052399
Eddie was created by @jinxed_peach