(tw: ableism , anti-natalist views , trying to convince someone to do something against their values).
[name_u]Channing[/name_u] Baek-gyeul Kwon ( 27 ) is [name_m]Odin[/name_m] 's potential son-in-law and the father of [name_u]Dani[/name_u] 's child. He, too , grew up in a traditional family structure and is understanding of [name_m]Odin[/name_m] 's values or his loyalty to the company he works for. [name_u]Channing[/name_u] 's mother is a self-made woman who came up with rhe idea of running a coin laundry , so a place where clothes can be washed and dried. His mom is still theoretically running the place but he is [name_u]Channing[/name_u] is pretty much regarded as the owner by their customers. He is always friendly and professional with customers and understanding of emergency situations or health struggles with the staff, althogh he doesn’t tolerate a lack of loyalty , gossiping about other employees , being rude to customers and so on. [name_u]Channing[/name_u] 's sister is the ostracized one by the family - she 's an interior designer and an artistic soul , something their parents never approved of because they thought she should help [name_u]Channing[/name_u] run the business. [name_u]Channing[/name_u] however, doesn’t mind her being ostracized because she is extremely ableist and anti-natalist. Her whole thing is complaining about how the world is overpopulated, how there should be a state license to get pregnant and in general disrespecting people who want to become a parent or moaning about how insuferrable the " crotch goblins " are in public , even when unprompeted. This is also related to her ableism - [name_u]Channing[/name_u] 's sister was once rejected by a guy who was in a wheelchair because she behaved in a patronizing way towards him , treating him like a child and condescendingly offering help with every little thing while also for some reason trying to awkardly flirt with him. After he rejected her , [name_u]Channing[/name_u] ’ s sister revelead her true views on disabled people and said it to her co-worker’s face that his mother should have aborted him just because he has celebral palsy and that disabled children should never be allowed to be granted a " birth license " by the state because it’s a , quote " Waste of taxpayers money" . [name_u]Channing[/name_u] doesn’t even know if she does it to be edgy or genuinely believes this nonsense , but the final nail in the coffin for [name_u]Channing[/name_u] was when he heard his sister talking to [name_u]Dani[/name_u] about how she should terminate her pregnancy because quote " [name_f]My[/name_f] brother used to be a player in high school , he will leave you and all you will have left are your parents who won’t even accept their grandkid because of legitimacy". This was one step too far for [name_u]Channing[/name_u] , who has since cut his sister off and truly , truly doesn’t care what she does with her job as an interior designer to rich people in Califronia or what kind of useless activism she will do , that will only make the genuinely well-meaning climate activists look bad. All [name_u]Channing[/name_u] knows is that he will support [name_u]Dani[/name_u] and their child no matter what and that she has no place in their child’s life , considering she doesn’t want the child to even as much as experience life. [name_u]Channing[/name_u] feels that his sister is just full of bitterness, envy of the wealth her fancy clients have and generally someone who hates humanity as a whole and considers herself on the moral highground just because she theoretically " supports " climate activism and is an artist in interior design, However, her lack of respect for any family values and disregard of disabled people makes it so that [name_u]Channing[/name_u] considers her not worth paying any attention to.
He is convinced that [name_m]Odin[/name_m] and [name_f]Miyeon[/name_f] will come around to the idea of [name_u]Dani[/name_u] having a child with him once they see that [name_u]Channing[/name_u] is stable financially in terms of his coin laundry business and more than willing to marry their daughter. [name_u]Dani[/name_u] told him many times that she wants an " engagement necklace " with pearls , even though pearls are told to bring bad luck - [name_u]Alex[/name_u] feels like she has had enough of bad luck already having to give up her career in ice skating and being forced into college life that she doesn’t enjoy that no superstition can deter her from achieving her dream of having her favourite type of jewelry mean something special. Because [name_u]Dani[/name_u] found out in an ultrasound that she is 2 months pregnant , the baby will be born around [name_u]June[/name_u] and his or her birthstone will be pearl . Therefore , [name_f]Pearl[/name_f] is the frontrunner for their girl name and [name_u]Brighton[/name_u] is a front runner for their boy name (because pearls are a bright , shiny white color, get it?).