Really need some suggestions on a middle name. We’ve decided [name]Cole[/name] is our first choice, well, mine really (my OHs first choice is [name]Finley[/name], then [name]Cole[/name]) I have considered using both names as a combo - [name]Cole[/name] [name]Finley[/name]/[name]Finley[/name] [name]Cole[/name] but I’m really not sure I like [name]Finley[/name] at all! It seems ever so slightly feminine to me, not sure why… Anyway, his surname will be Newsome.
Does anybody have any suggestions of a middle name to go between [name]Cole[/name] and Newsome, and what do you guys think of [name]Finley[/name] [name]Cole[/name]? I’m running out of time!
I like [name]Cole[/name] better than [name]Finley[/name]. I would use [name]Finn[/name] as a nn if you use [name]Finley[/name] and [name]Finn[/name] Newsome is somewhat hard to say. Here are some possible mns:
I agree with you in that [name]Finley[/name] does sound slightly feminine whereas, like hatter posted, [name]Finnegan[/name] sounds more masculine.
[name]Cole[/name] [name]Finnegan[/name] Newsome is wonderful!
and you both contributed to the name!
Wow, thanks for the quick reply, and the suggestions
Out of all of those, my favourites are [name]Garrett[/name], and [name]Everett[/name]. The rest are lovely names, don’t get me wrong, but I like quite modern, kind of uncommon sounding names, sorry I didn’t mention this in my OP.
The names don’t neccessarily have to be modern, just modern-sounding, if you catch my drift. I’m rather picky I’ve discovered! I only agreed on [name]Cole[/name] about a week ago, and now here I am ready to pop at any moment, and no middle name! Ugh, I’m so worried I’ll end up calling him [name]Cole[/name] [name]Finley[/name], just because I can’t think of an alternative.
Nah, he’s not keen on [name]Finnegan[/name], said something about that old rhyme; ‘There was an old man called [name]Michael[/name] [name]Finnegan[/name]…’
Now I can’t stop associating it with that either! Grr, men.