New here. Need some inspiration!

I’m currently 13 weeks pregnant with baby #3 and we’re struggling with coming up with a boys list. We already have two sons named [name]Charles[/name] “[name]Henry[/name]” and [name]Oliver[/name] [name]Edward[/name].

Our current list looks like this: (Middle name will be [name]Joseph[/name])

I’m not terribly excited about any of them and I’m hoping you ladies can give me/us some inspiration!

Well, I love [name]Arthur[/name] best from your list (and think [name]Arthur[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] is great) but I think [name]Theodore[/name] sounds the best with [name]Charles[/name] and [name]Oliver[/name], and [name]Theodore[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] sounds great too.

Maybe you’d like:


[name]Do[/name] you like any of those?

[name]Jack[/name] [name]Joesph[/name] has a lovely flow. As does [name]Thomas[/name] [name]Joesph[/name]. Otherwise [name]Joesph[/name] is great in the first spot. [name]Joesph[/name], [name]Jack[/name] and [name]Thomas[/name] all have the same classic feel as your other boys names. [name]Edmund[/name] or [name]Finley[/name] are more unusual choices that still work with [name]Joesph[/name] and your other boy’s name. [name]Roman[/name] or [name]Rafferty[/name] could also work, but dont flown as well with [name]Joesph[/name].

I think [name]Arthur[/name] and [name]Theodore[/name] both sound great with your sons’ names. Other suggestions:


Thanks for the responses!

[name]William[/name]- We like this but it’s my FIL’s name and my [name]BIL[/name]'s name.
[name]George[/name]- Hubby likes. I don’t.
[name]Richard[/name]- No
[name]Samuel[/name]- On our longer list. Our last name starts with S so I worry about it being to hissy.
[name]Benjamin[/name]- We just took this off our list last night. We don’t like the “BJ” nickname potential.
[name]Alexander[/name]- Eh
[name]Simon[/name]- Same as [name]Samuel[/name]
[name]Victor[/name]-Not a fan
[name]Vincent[/name]- I like it but Hubby won’t go for it.
[name]Emmett[/name]- We like [name]Everett[/name] better.
[name]Mark[/name]- To plain
[name]Matthew[/name]- I know way to many [name]Matthew[/name]'s lol
[name]Elliott[/name]- No
[name]Nathan[/name]- It’s also on our longer list. My Grandpa’s name is [name]Nathan[/name] so it has special meaning to me.
[name]Nathaniel[/name]- Same as [name]Nathan[/name].

[name]Jack[/name]- Can’t use. It’s my Ex’s name.
[name]Thomas[/name]- I like.
[name]Edmund[/name]- To close to [name]Edward[/name]
[name]Finley[/name]- Not my style
[name]Roman[/name]- To out there
[name]Rafferty[/name]- Same as [name]Roman[/name]

I’m not sure about putting [name]Joseph[/name] in the first name spot. It’s my brother’s name and I think he might like to use it someday.

[name]Peter[/name]- Not a fan
[name]Luther[/name]- I’m not sure why but I always think [name]Lucifer[/name] when I see [name]Luther[/name].
[name]Franklin[/name]- Maybe
[name]Albert[/name]- No
[name]Miles[/name]- My BFF likes this if she ever has a boy
[name]Quentin[/name]- No
[name]Elliot[/name]- No
[name]Giles[/name]- No
[name]Francis[/name]- Seems really girly to me

I’m not trying to be difficult I promise!

No, I get you. I’m the same way. I can turn down a thousand names before hearing one that I like. Here are some tips on how I find names:

  1. Wikipedia. Start with any royal–like [name]Queen[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]–and then just keep clicking on her ancestors’ names to go to their Wikipedia pages. On each of their pages, in the very first line, you will see the royal’s full given name. They all had SO many middle names, and some of them are very unused today.

  2. Same thing, Wikipedia, but choose a historical President or some other historical figure, and look down his page for the names of his children, brothers, and father.

  3. Find a Grave website. On the left-hand side, second link down: “Search for a Cemetery.” Then choose the U.S., then a random state and county. Click on a graveyard link and click “View all Interments” (on the left).

Good luck in your search!

I honestly think [name]Theodore[/name] is a PERFECT fit. [name]Arthur[/name] kind of matches with [name]Oliver[/name] a bit much and I don’t know if [name]Everett[/name] is enough on the same level of “core classic” like the others are. [name]Theodore[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] is so wonderful.

Other stiff classics you may like-

[name]Augustus[/name] / [name]August[/name]


I really like [name]Theodore[/name]. [name]Theo[/name] is a very dashing, but whimsical nickname. Soft and gentle and strong.

I love your son’s names! I like [name]Everett[/name] or [name]Theodore[/name]!