New list. Would like opinions.

[name]LOVE[/name] anissa! and i know an anastazia NN ana, annie, stacia, stacie, stace ?

For a similar alternate to [name]Rozlin[/name]:

Rhosyn = Welsh
[name]Rosen[/name] / Rozen = Cornish

[name]Just[/name] thought I’d throw them out there :slight_smile:

[name]Hi[/name], [name]Raquel[/name]. :slight_smile: I think your name is very pretty, and for what it’s worth, I wouldn’t mispronounce it. :slight_smile:

I completely understand that you don’t like [name]Anastasia[/name] and its nickname, and I’m glad that you’re able to narrow down your list.

I think that [name]Rosaelia[/name] is lovely, and I can really see it with the feminine [name]Alanna[/name]. I totally understand your pronunciation worries, though, especially taking into account the issues you had with your name.

[name]Do[/name] you like [name]Rosalie[/name]? ([name]Just[/name] curious.) :slight_smile:

I know you’ll find the perfect name for you, and I can’t wait to see what it is.

Take care! :slight_smile:

I love [name]Rozlyn[/name] (spelled like this, too!)

We are kind of leaning towards [name]Rozlin[/name] - still unsure of the spelling, possibly [name]Rozlyn[/name] or [name]Rozlynn[/name]. It will definitely be with a “Z” though. I still like [name]Rosaelia[/name] better, but hubby said it just doesn’t feel right. But, I’m going to hold out for both [name]Rosaelia[/name] and [name]Rozlin[/name]. And so far, he said that’s the name he wants ([name]Rozlin[/name]). I told him he better not change his mind in a month b/c I really like both those names! This is the first time I’ve been this excited about a name since I found out I was pregnant!

Oh, and I tried explaining to him how [name]Rosaelia[/name] is more feminine, but I don’t think men really understand that concept too much… at least my husband didn’t. He just said “they’re both girl names, how much more feminine can it be than that?” lol

i agree with your husband on the name [name]Summer[/name]. I think it is a pretty, feminine name! However can i make the suggestion of spelling it with an “o”, [name]Sommer[/name]. It adds a little twist, and makes it more modern, maybe you would prefer it with that spelling?.
Personally, i think [name]Sommer[/name] [name]James[/name] sounds beautifully together. Its a good mix between feminine and masculine.
Good luck!

i agree with your husband on the name [name]Summer[/name]. I think it is a pretty, feminine name! However can i make the suggestion of spelling it with an “o”, [name]Sommer[/name]. It adds a little twist, and makes it more modern, maybe you would prefer it with that spelling?.
Personally, i think [name]Sommer[/name] [name]James[/name] sounds beautifully together. Its a good mix between feminine and masculine.
Good luck!

One more plug for [name]Anastasia[/name] - I just yesterday read a review somewhere of the classic [name]Betsy[/name] - [name]Tacy[/name] books, about two little girls growing up together. [name]Tacy[/name] is a great nickname; I would almost name a child [name]Anastasia[/name] just for the sake of [name]Tacy[/name]! :slight_smile: I hear that it’s not you… but if other parents search their way into this thread pondering [name]Anastasia[/name] as a name, they’re going to find a great range of nicknames. I love [name]Tansy[/name], too!