New Songwriters Game

So this is a new game where you write a song for a singer. I will post a celebrity, it doesn’t have to be a singer, the next person will the title for the song, the next will write the first part of the song, and so on.

I will start:

Artist: Hailee Steinfeld

I love [name_f]Hailee[/name_f] Steinfeld!

It All Goes Quiet

It All Goes Quiet by [name_f]Hailee[/name_f] Steinfeld

All I could hear last night
Was your breathing and mine.
No “I love you”
No “I need you”
No “Will you please forgive me”
'Cause you stopped begging me a long, long time ago.

bump? i know i’m being impatient but i think this will really be fun!

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