Here are some names I found recently that I thought were neat! I was wondering what other Berries thought of them. Are they wearable? Too out there? [name]How[/name] would you picture a girl with that name? Thanks so much, I always love seeing what you all have to say!
I like [name]Elettra[/name], [name]Avia[/name], [name]Verena[/name], & [name]Ayelet[/name] ok. But I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Senara[/name]. And the history of the name is fascinating.
I love [name]Ayelet[/name] and [name]Eyre[/name], and I just came across Hanalei the other day and it’s been growing on me. And I could see the appeal [name]Elettra[/name], [name]Avia[/name] and [name]Senara[/name], though they aren’t particularly my style
[name]Avia[/name] - Too close to [name]Ava[/name], which I hate. [name]Aviva[/name] would be more distinct.
Lazuli - Not my favourite gemstone name, but I like it.
[name]Ayelet[/name] - I love this, but I think a lot of people would mispronounce it as having 2 syllables instead of 3. I adore it though.
[name]Avia[/name] and [name]Elettra[/name] are beautiful. [name]Senara[/name] is too, but I prefer Senovara. And I like [name]Melora[/name] quite a bit. I think all the rest are usable too, especially Lazuli, [name]Venera[/name] and [name]Ayelet[/name].
(In Latin [name]Avia[/name] means grandmother, or a tense of avius which means something that’s pathless/untrodden or out of the way/remote or someone straying.)