[name]Hi[/name] all. I’ve been contemplating the nickname [name]Pete[/name] today. I love the name [name]Peter[/name], but it wouldn’t work well with our last name due to a combination of A) the slang usage of the name and B) some of unfortunate mispronunciations of our surname that I’ve encountered over the years.
[name]Pete[/name] would honor my father in a roundabout way as it’s the name that his mom, brothers, and sisters all call him. It’s completely unrelated to his given name, [name]Richard[/name] - it’s just what his older sister called him in utero, and it stuck.
So, please wrack your brains with me to see if we can come up with anything exciting! Thanks!
I guess you could use some international versions of [name]Peter[/name]/[name]Pete[/name].
Petrus - Latin
[name]Pierre[/name] - French
[name]Pedro[/name] - Spanish
[name]Piero[/name]/[name]Pietro[/name] - Italian
[name]Peadar[/name] - Irish
[name]Piet[/name]/[name]Pieter[/name] - Dutch (too close to [name]Peter[/name]?)
[name]Petros[/name] - Greek
[name]Peder[/name] - Danish
[name]Per[/name] - Swedish
Piers/Pierce - Irish
Pearson/Pierson - surnames
Or choose a name that begins with PE or has PE in it: Petroc, [name]Peregrine[/name]/[name]Perry[/name], [name]Percival[/name]/[name]Percy[/name], [name]Pembroke[/name], [name]Peverell[/name], [name]Peyton[/name], Tippett, Jasper, Cooper, Makepeace, Spencer, Rupert, Prosper etc…
Or why not do what your father’s family did. He was called a name totally unrelated to his real name of [name]Richard[/name]. That would leave you with lots more options.
[name]Mischa[/name] - I love many of the international variants of [name]Peter[/name]. Unfortunately, our last name is very abrupt and very [name]German[/name] and I find it very limiting (there would be lots of spitting involved if I was dedicated enough to pronounce it properly). However, [name]Peregrine[/name] and [name]Rupert[/name] are two that I’ve had on my short lists for quite a while. But then I wouldn’t get to use [name]Pippin[/name], [name]Perrin[/name], or Roo. Hmm.
Ninanoo - You’re right, Peeta does have a nice ring to it. However, when I read it, I think of an American attempting a really over-the-top English accent… a la [name]Jonah[/name] [name]Hill[/name] in Forgetting [name]Sarah[/name] [name]Marshall[/name] when he’s talking to [name]Russell[/name] [name]Brand[/name].
Catloverd - I quite like the sound of [name]Patton[/name] and [name]Ptolemy[/name], but I don’t think either would do very well with our last name
Kitkat7 - Good point. I’ve always like [name]Pierce[/name]
[name]Petra[/name] is so pretty. I really used to hate it because it reminded me of this old school “[name]Christian[/name] [name]Rock[/name] Band” (they get “” because there wasn’t much rock to it) from the 80’s that went by the name. Now I think it’s gorgeous
I hear you. I’d use [name]Peregrine[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] in about two seconds flat if DH would consent to using his fn as a middle. I doubt it though, he doesn’t love his name like I do.
Jump on the surname fad and go with [name]Peterson[/name]! In Australia, [name]Pete[/name] sounds like [name]Pate[/name], so you could go with [name]Payton[/name].
I really like surnames on boys when they have family history to back them! I think I have to save my surnamey credit for [name]Anderson[/name] though, it goes back quite a way in our family.
I was just reading an archived article on Appellation Mountain about ways to [name]Rory[/name] for girls. Made me think I should scratch the [name]Pete[/name] idea and go with my dad’s middle name, [name]Commodore[/name]… nn [name]Rory[/name]! This could be my complete lack of sleep talking. Good thing I’m not naming a baby tomorrow.