Next big place name...?

I’ve always loved [name]Arizona[/name]. I had a book whose main character was [name]Arizona[/name] as a kid. I remember always thinking she was so lucky to have such a cool name… Others I could see becoming popular (few repeats)


we know a six year old [name]Phoenix[/name], which we love, and it suits him to a tee.

we’re considering Siam for a daughter.

don’t know how popular either is.

I think [name]Florida[/name] might be one too. It is very pretty and spunky! I actually thought about this the other day. I don’t know if I would use it though bc it reminds me of [name]Florida[/name] [name]Evans[/name] from “Good Times.” Not a bad connection at all, but idk…

My 3 year old son is named [name]Arran[/name] for the scottish island (my husband is scottish, and grew up looking across the water at [name]Arran[/name]). [name]Ive[/name] also found out recently that in ancient times, a certain part of Iran was called “[name]Arran[/name]” - which fits us perfectly, as my moms family has Iranian roots. So, its a place name from two different parts of the world, and part of our son’s heritage, from both sides!

I can see [name]Phoenix[/name] and [name]Arizona[/name] becoming really popular. Maybe [name]Jamaica[/name], [name]Florida[/name], [name]Ireland[/name]?

Ohhh, so THAT’S where [name]Adelaide[/name] is coming from around here!! The only context I’ve ever known it in is the ditzy hotbox girl in Guys and Dolls, and her squeaky voice comes to mind every time I hear/see the name.