
[name]Just[/name] saw the name [name]Nicasia[/name] here and thought how pretty it looks with our last name. What do you think of [name]Nicasia[/name]? [name]How[/name] would you pronounce it?


I would probably pronounce it nik-AY-zha, like the end of [name]Anastasia[/name]. I’d be forever wondering if it were to be pronounced NI-ka-see-a too though, like a smush of [name]Nicole[/name] and [name]Cassandra[/name] or something.

In all honesty, I find the name a little confusing and visually/aurally unappealing, but that could be because it’s the first time I’ve come across it?


hello my name is actually [name]Nicasia[/name], i was named after my great grandmother and i am half spanish so the name is actually spanish. it is pronounced Ne- Ka- See- Ahh say it fast loll. it is really pretty when pronounced correctly