We love both of these names but we can’t decide which to use as a first and which to use as a middle. I am leaning toward [name]Nicholas[/name]… We also have a daughter named [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Noelle[/name]. What are your thoughts?
I think [name]Nicholas[/name] [name]Gabriel[/name] flows better, and I like the sibset [name]Nicholas[/name] and [name]Charlotte[/name].
Additionally, there are 2 reasons why I (personally) wouldn’t use [name]Nicholas[/name] in the middle:
[name]Nicholas[/name] and [name]Noelle[/name] as middle names = a whole lot of [name]Christmas[/name]. (St. [name]Nick[/name], [name]Noel[/name] as an alternative for [name]Christmas[/name])
Having both children with “N” middles may put you in a rut to continue the pattern if you ever have future children.
[name]Edit[/name]: [name]Just[/name] realized that [name]Nicholas[/name] [name]Gabriel[/name] is still a lot of [name]Christmas[/name]… Since [name]Gabriel[/name] is the angel who informed [name]Mary[/name] of her pregnancy. At least your daughter’s name isn’t [name]Mary[/name] [name]Noelle[/name], or you’d have yourself a holiday special