Nickname for Helena?

What do you think of the nickname Lenchen for a little girl whose first name is [name]Helena[/name]?

[name]Queen[/name] [name]Victoria[/name]'s daughter went by this nickname in childhood and I think it’s lovely, especially since it’s a [name]German[/name] nickname and I’m partially fluent in the language.

I like [name]Helena[/name]! I like the idea of Lenchen, and I do like that it’s quite [name]German[/name]–it’s just a bit hard to say for me, personally. If you and the people around you wouldn’t have problems there, I say go for it! It’s a cool idea. I also love the somewhat-similar sounding [name]Leni[/name].

Totally, as someone from hispanic heritage, Lenchen personally doesn’t fit, but I think it’s adorable. If this feels good, you’re going to call her that regardless! :wink: Other cool nicknames for [name]Helena[/name] can be [name]Lena[/name], [name]Nena[/name], [name]Lela[/name] and whatever other silly combination of letters in her name strikes you.