What do you gals think about the nickname/pet-name [name]Queenie[/name]? I’m considering it for a possible daughter whose full name would be [name]Mab[/name] [name]Margaret[/name]. [name]Queenie[/name] from [name]Queen[/name] [name]Mab[/name]. I know that [name]Mab[/name] needs no nickname, and it wouldn’t be used all the time… I just love nicknames, and my other (hypothetical) children would have them, so it only seems fair to find one for [name]Mab[/name]. [name]Queenie[/name] to me feels like a saucy mix of flapper and [name]Missy[/name] “[name]Queen[/name] [name]Bee[/name]” [name]Elliot[/name], with a little cockney sass thrown in. Am I totally off the mark? Is it just plain tacky/bratty? Or do you think it could be fun/old-fashioned?
Definetly NOT a full- time nickname. Calling your daughter [name]Queenie[/name] may be cute, but I would discourage it outside of the family. [name]Imagine[/name] going to a school and seeing a little girl who introduces herself as “[name]Queenie[/name]”? I would think of it as a bit bratty.
As a family nickname or pet name once in a while, i think it could be cute though
[name]Queenie[/name] is sort of cute. [name]Queen[/name] [name]Mab[/name]. I see the appeal, and it is cute as a button with [name]Ginger[/name] and [name]Cy[/name]. I’m really starting to get into the nick name thing…
I went to the dog races a few days ago though, and there was a dog called [name]Queenie[/name] there. Didn’t do very well unfortunately.
I never really saw the appeal of the nn [name]Queenie[/name] until I met one of my best friends, who is called this fairly often by her friends (her “official” nn is [name]Bee[/name]–therefore, [name]Queen[/name] [name]Bee[/name]/[name]Queenie[/name]…). It’s not really something I’d want to be called, but she totally eats it up. I think the right person could wear it well. And I think it could would work for [name]Mab[/name].
Good luck!
Thank you! Hm… It seems like [name]Queenie[/name] is being met with some hesitation.*
Taz- I see what you mean. Very teasable name. But how to “discourage it outside the family?” I don’t want to bestow a nickname that’s downright silly. Fun yes, ridiculous no… If you were [name]Tim[/name] [name]Gunn[/name], would you question my “taste-level?” I can sometimes teeter on the edge.
Lady Otterline- [name]Ginger[/name] and [name]Queenie[/name]! Then my daughters would each have one Shakespearean name and one dog name ([name]Ginger[/name] is not uncommon for dogs, I’m told.) A bit odd…
I love the idea of you at the dog-races! Whatever did you do with your spiderweb veil and your crown of honeysuckle? Can’t have held up too well in that atmosphere.
Thanks [name]Ash[/name]- Good to hear from someone who’s familiar with the name. Though the way you say [name]Bee[/name] “totally eats it up” when people call her [name]Queenie[/name], makes me think she’s a bit full of herself and the name highlights this. I definitely don’t want to instill a sense of superiority.
Does anyone else know a [name]Queenie[/name]? Anyone else see its appeal on someone other than [name]Eloise[/name]'s dog? I do love the letter Q. Should I get over my desire to give [name]Mab[/name] a pet-name? Or does someone want to take a shot at nicknaming [name]Mab[/name] [name]Margaret[/name]?
Other kids:
[name]Imogen[/name] nn [name]Ginger[/name]
[name]Crispin[/name] nn [name]Cy[/name] *(C.Y. initials)
With all due respect, I am trying to phrase this as tactfully as I can, but I can see [name]Queenie[/name] bestowed on:
a) a poor sharecropper
b) a bordello owner
c) a greyhound
Oh, no, sorry, I didn’t mean it like that at all! She positively loathes her FN–it’s a family name (a family name that holds a lot of bad blood for her), not to mention that she’s gotten very awful sexual jokes about it and it’s a super dated name. I don’t think I know anyone who hates her name as much as she does, lol. [name]Even[/name] though she hates her full name, she loves the nn [name]Bee[/name]/[name]Bea[/name], and consequently, [name]Queenie[/name], too. She “eats [name]Queenie[/name] up” the same way I used to eat [name]Ash[/name] up–I used to hate [name]Ashley[/name] at one point, too, and I loved that I got a nn. I used to love when people called me [name]Ash[/name], I would just eat it up. Not in a selfish or conceited way, I just felt special because I actually got a nn, like my siblings do. [name]Bea[/name]'s totally not conceited or full of herself or has a sense of superiority at all, haha.
I do like the nn in theory, but it seems to be (not intending to offend anyone) very ghetto/trashy. Sorry
I didn’t comment yet! I think someone else made this comment…
Because I totally approve of [name]Queenie[/name]. It’s like [name]Minnie[/name] or [name]Bunny[/name]. [name]Silly[/name], a bit. Laughable on the wrong girl. But full of old fashioned sass on the right girl. My only hesitation is people might think you are saying Quinnie & assume she’s named [name]Quinn[/name].
[name]Blade[/name] - BWAhahahahahaha! I am lapping up the abuse. So true. But still… (whispering) [name]Queenie[/name]…
[name]Ash[/name] - Thanks for the clarification. [name]Ash[/name] is a lovely nickname. I was reading about the symbolism of the ash tree - interesting.
[name]Spyro[/name] - Thanks! Taking in the feedback and still unsure, but you have a solid point.
[name]Lea[/name] - Sorry I thought you were Taz! Looking at a small screen. Thanks for your helpful input.
Taz - I know! It reminds me of names that were popular in the '20’s, like [name]Bessie[/name] and [name]Mamie[/name]… My husband said, “[name]Mamie[/name] was Eisenhower’s wife, and [name]Bessie[/name] is cow-name.” Hurumph. He thinks her other sibs would tease her, but then he said, “Besides it would reference my mother’s nickname.” What??? She has a nickname?? “You know - Peachy [name]Queen[/name] of the Universe.” I have no idea how she was given this nickname, but it is unbelievable.
Mabbie is dreadful. Bam-bam would be vile. Oh [name]Queenie[/name]. I’m getting more attached to you the more I have to defend your sassy cuteness.
Ooh, Emmsie, have you read Q: a love story by [name]Evan[/name] Mandery? I think Q could work, but I’m still liking [name]Queenie[/name].
(I removed my gossamer dress and honeysuckle garlands for the occasion of the dog races, darling…)
Hey O. Nope haven’t read Q, but it looks like more fuel for my love of the letter Q. Good idea with nn Q! If we ever used [name]Queenie[/name], Q would be a natural next nick. I think [name]Queenie[/name] may have to hide in the wings for a while. “DH” thinks it’s too much to project the character of [name]Queen[/name] [name]Mab[/name] onto a child. He loves [name]Mab[/name] and all she comes with, but wants our daughter to inhabit the name, not to be thought of as some fairy-critter. [name]Ah[/name] well. He has a point. If we ever do have a [name]Mab[/name], I may call her [name]Queenie[/name] sometimes when he’s not listening. He suggested:
[name]Mab[/name] Dog (last name)
[name]Mab[/name] Bomber
[name]Mab[/name] Truck
Maaab … [name]Mabelle[/name]… these are words that go together well…
He’s a piece of work.
I suppose she could go by M. Makes me think of [name]Peter[/name] Lorre. Might be fun to have both an M and an [name]Em[/name] in the house.
[name]Queenie[/name] was actually a reasonably common name in Australia around 80 years ago - as a nurse, I’ve looked after quite a few Queenies - so it’s a legitimate name here. I love it
[name_f]Queenie[/name_f] is a real name though
I hope this doesn’t sound ridiculous, but when I imagine a [name_f]Queenie[/name_f] she is a socialite in a big city like [name_u]New[/name_u] [name_m]York[/name_m] or [name_u]London[/name_u]! Or maybe she’s a glamourous southern belle.
I think that’s because [name_f]Queenie[/name_f] is both distinctive and charming! It’s fun and absolutely not tacky.