Nicknames for Elizabeth

[name]Zibby[/name] and Beezie, zabby and libby.
I wouldn’t mind having an [name]Elizabeth[/name] at all and in fact think the name of one you truly can’t go wrong using, it’s such a classic, but i would be kind of bored if the chosen nickname was [name]Liz[/name]. That one’s too popular for me.

[name]Elizabeth[/name] is a matrilineal name in my family, and my mom doesn’t like it (she goes by [name]Betsy[/name]). So she gave me the middle name, [name]Elise[/name], which I think is really lovely. I’ve always loved it. I also like [name]Birdie[/name]. If I had a girl, I’ve always thought about how I would honor the name. Like her, I’m kinda over [name]Elizabeth[/name] so I’ve thought about using [name]Eloise[/name] or [name]Liesl[/name]. Those aren’t really nicknames though but anyway.

[name]Lilibeth[/name] is my favorite but also I love [name]Beth[/name], is so soft and cute and I hope you like;)

I love a lot! [name]Libby[/name], [name]Lisa[/name], [name]Betty[/name] and [name]Elle[/name] are probably my top 4. And [name]Birdie[/name]!