Nicknames for Odessa

We are considering the name [name]Odessa[/name] for a girl. My husband and I both like the name but I am put off by the lack of adorable nicknames which I consider to be a requirement in a name. I especially like names with nicknames that are not just a part of the name ie [name]Posy[/name] for [name]Josephine[/name]. Can anyone come up with some cute, even loosely related nicknames for [name]Odessa[/name]. If it helps the middle name will likely be [name]Gisele[/name].

I’m not great at the loosely related ones - and I think those mostly have to come organically - but the most obvious two would be [name]Odie[/name], Dess (like [name]Tess[/name]), or [name]Essa[/name] and I think those are all very cute.

Hm, [name]Odessa[/name]. She could be: [name]Essie[/name], [name]Dede[/name], [name]Oda[/name], [name]Esta[/name]…this one is difficult.

[name]Dede[/name] would be really cute. I love [name]Odessa[/name] btw.

Dezzy is really cute, or [name]Dessie[/name].
[name]Ozzie[/name] could work too. It’s a little boyish but cute and spunky as a nn.

[name]Sissy[/name] (which I think works with any name that has a few Ss in it)

Good luck - great name but I can see wanting a nickname

Plain '[name]Dessa[/name] is cute. Or [name]Odie[/name] [oh-dee] like [name]Garfield[/name] and [name]Odie[/name]. I love the name [name]Odessa[/name], by the way. Beautiful choice.


[name]How[/name] about “O”? I have a couple of female friends whose names start with “O” and everybody just calls them “O”.