No baby yet but if it's a boy we have a name for #3!

[name]Hi[/name] all,

I am now 39 weeks PG with baby #3, gender unknown… Our boy’s name is FINALLY final and decided! I have a VERY strong feeling that this little one is a boy, because I have NEVER felt movement like this in either of my previous pregnancies.

So if I am right, then our family will be:

[name]Claire[/name] ”lise, [name]Sophie[/name] [name]Elinor[/name], and…

[name]Luke[/name] [name]Elliott[/name]!

Once I decided the middle name it just felt so “right”!

Now to make a final decision on a girls’ name, we are still between two on that one…


I love that all three will have an “E” middle name! Very cute!

[name]Luke[/name] [name]Elliott[/name] is perfect with your daughters names! Congrats and let us know when he or she gets here.

Wow! those names go great together!
I love the similarity in the middle names too!
Well done! :slight_smile:

Your girls have such beautiful names, as I’ve told you before, and I’m glad you’ve settled on a name for baby if it turns out to be a boy! [name]Lucas[/name] [name]Elliot[/name], with [name]Luc[/name] (or [name]Luke[/name], of course!) as a nickname, would also be a great brother for [name]Claire[/name] and [name]Sophie[/name]!

[name]Lemon[/name] :slight_smile: