likes the name we picked! Help!

My husband and I are expecting our second son in [name]April[/name], and most of our family dislikes our name choice, but we really like it. I would really appreciate other opinions! The name we picked is-

[name]Ellis[/name] [name]Kane[/name]

[name]Kane[/name] is a family name on my husbands side so I really wanted to use it, and I think they sound good together. I also think it sounds good with our other sons name, which is [name]Garren[/name] [name]Thomas[/name].


I think [name]Ellis[/name] is a lovely name, especially on a boy where it’s far more fitting. [name]Kane[/name] isn’t my style, but as you said it’s a family name. And [name]Ellis[/name] and [name]Garren[/name] make a very well matched set :slight_smile: I think you should ignore your family - it’s your baby, not theirs!

I like [name]Ellis[/name] just fine on either a boy or girl. I wonder if the ambiguity is part of what your family is reacting negatively to? [name]Ellis[/name] is a surname and masculine like [name]Elliott[/name], [name]Elias[/name], etc., but, it sounds a lot like [name]Alice[/name] and [name]Ellie[/name] is a very popular girls’ nn right now. I am sure [name]Ellis[/name] is getting some use on girls and that may be giving your family pause if they are not comfortable with that kind of ambiguity.

I find [name]Kane[/name], with this spelling, very handsome, and since it’s a family name especially I really like it!

I agree [name]Garren[/name] and [name]Ellis[/name] are well-matched.

I would definitely stick with [name]Kane[/name], and if you love [name]Ellis[/name] enough, keep it, your family will get over it and it is your baby!

If you are looking for other suggestions, [name]Elliott[/name] would be my first recommendation. What else do you like?

Oh another suggestion: [name]Hollis[/name]?

I love the name [name]Ellis[/name] [name]Kane[/name]! It is strong and sophisticated. The fact of using a family surname for his mn is wonderful and he will thank you for that someday. You should not take family’s negativity to heart. Our family made a fuss over the names [name]River[/name], [name]Lucy[/name], [name]Declan[/name], and [name]Wyatt[/name] when some cousins and nieces were expecting. (it was so bad that one of the grandmothers were calling [name]Wyatt[/name] little Earp for the last few months of her pregnancy!) We’re glad she didn’t let it get to her. Now, they see that these children’s names were a perfect fit for them! You’ll see, your little [name]Ellis[/name] will grow on them and they won’t ever think another notion about it.

I’m sorry that no one is loving the name. Did they react the same way with your older son’s name before he was born? Reality is, they’ll love the name once baby is here and they have a chance to see how well it suits him. [name]Don[/name]'t let them get you down if both you and your husband really love the name. Relatives only have a say if you let them :wink: If you do decide to go with another name, you may want to consider not sharing it. Most people will hold their tongue once the name is on a real live baby!

Exactly This!!

I personally love the name [name]Ellis[/name]!
Let them all feel heard and use the names you love!
:slight_smile: c’smom

I love [name]Ellis[/name], and although I’m not personally a fan of [name]Kane[/name], I think [name]Ellis[/name] [name]Kane[/name] is a fine name.

[name]Ellis[/name] sounds a bit female to me, as it reminds me of [name]Alice[/name] - although I do like [name]Kane[/name]. I agree that [name]Elliot[/name] would perhaps be a good compromise. But then again, if you are loving it, then go with it! Good luck with your decision!

I’m more of a fan of [name]Elliot[/name] and I don’t really like [name]Kane[/name], but it’s a family name… Is there any reason they don’t like [name]Ellis[/name]? Perhaps it sounds to feminine?

I really, really like [name]Ellis[/name] and I don’t find it feminine. I know a man named [name]Ellis[/name], have known him for many years. He has never had issues with his name and it has aged really well.

I think [name]Kane[/name] is fine as a middle name, especially since it honors family. I tried not to get too hung up on middles–they aren’t really used much in most cases. I think you can take a risk with middles. My second child has a middle name that we chose because it went well with our chosen first name and our last name. Now I wish we had chosen something more significant.

I say go with [name]Ellis[/name] [name]Kane[/name].

i am sorry your family is being so unsupportive. [name]Ellis[/name] is a very nice name, its a name rooted in history but sounds modern NOT trendy.

[name]Ellis[/name] [name]Kane[/name] is really handsome!

I think that makes a great sibset! I would just ignore them and name him [name]Ellis[/name] [name]Kane[/name].

I really like [name]Ellis[/name] [name]Kane[/name], it’s timeless, sophisticated and has a touch of gentleman to it… [name]Don[/name]'t listen to your family. Judging is what family does best, I’m sure they’ll love the name when they meet your new baby!

Sorry your family is giving you a hard time. Is it because it’s feminine sounding to them? I think it only has feminine connotations because of the popularity of the [name]Ell[/name]- names for girls. I really like the name [name]Ellis[/name], but as you can see in my signature, I’ve paired it as a possible middle name for a girl. It’s not inherently feminine though, [name]IMO[/name].

[name]One[/name] thing that comes to mind is nickname considerations. If you were to call this boy [name]Ellie[/name] or [name]Ell[/name] ([name]Elle[/name]) instead of [name]Ellis[/name], I could see where that would be a problem for people. Are you nickname-kind of people? Or do you see yourself calling him by his full name all the time?

I love the idea of a man named [name]Ellis[/name]. This was on our short list.

I think [name]Ellis[/name] [name]Kane[/name] is a handsome choice. I don’t find [name]Ellis[/name] feminine at all.

You don’t say what your family’s objections are, but unless it turns out that [name]Ellis[/name] was the name of the man who foreclosed on the family farm all those years ago, I think it’s probably just a matter of taste. And the taste of you and your dh is the only taste that matters here.

I know a great guy named [name]Ellis[/name] in his mid-20s. He is the son of a very good friend of mine. He carries the name well. Because of him, I see it as a male name.

As a family name, [name]Kane[/name] for a middle name is terrific.