For a long time I’ve really only loved the name [name]Jackson[/name] for my little boy. I had other names in mind but I really didn’t love them and could always find a flaw in all of them except [name]Jackson[/name]. Anyway, I’ve now grown to love [name]Noah[/name] and [name]Max[/name] as well. I just don’t know what which one I like best now…cos I like all 3 of them the same.
Which do you prefer?
I like from your signature [name]Finn[/name]. But then [name]Max[/name] is a brilliant nn for [name]Maxwell[/name] or Maxilimian.
I like all of them but I like [name]Noah[/name] [name]Finn[/name] or [name]Jackson[/name] [name]Luke[/name]. [name]Liam[/name] is my favorite out of all your names though.
[name]Noah[/name] is my favorite of the three… but I also like [name]Max[/name] a lot.
[name]Jackson[/name]. It has been a favorite of mine since before it got popular. If you have loved it longer than the other 2, that just might be your answer!
[name]Love[/name] [name]Jack[/name], but [name]Jackson[/name]…not so much. It is a nice name, don’t get me wrong, but it is one of the most overused boys names I know. If that doesn’t bother you, then by all means use it. [name]Noah[/name] and [name]Max[/name] are nice as well. Agree with pp that [name]Liam[/name] and [name]Finn[/name] are great also.