
We are considering the baby name [name]Noel[/name]/[name]Nole[/name] for our baby boy but are conflicted on how to spell it. I realize that [name]Noel[/name] is the traditional way to spell it, but we are concerned that people will pronounce it [name]Noelle[/name]. My husband suggested spelling it [name]Nole[/name], but I am concerned that spelling looks made up or too phonetic. Any thoughts?

I would stick with the original spelling myself. I love the name [name]Noel[/name]! I think [name]Nole[/name] looks just as funny to me as [name]Jole[/name] would (instead of [name]Joel[/name]).

Oh my goodness, I am SO excited. I have always adored the name [name]Noel[/name] (it’s my dad’s name)

I don’t think you need to be too worried about mispronounciations. If you spell it [name]Nole[/name], you still might have people mispronouncing it (No-lay), as well as mis-spelling it. At least with [name]Noel[/name], the grand majority of people will spell it correctly.

A fantastic choice, I hope you go for it!

I would definitely stick with [name]Noel[/name].

Def [name]Noel[/name] - nice name!

I say [name]Noel[/name] as two syllables. [name]Nole[/name] would be one, like knoll.

[name]Nole[/name] looks very strange to me–I’d use [name]Noel[/name].

I’d use [name]Noel[/name]. People will learn how to pronounce it correctly. Although, I don’t think [name]Nole[/name] looks terrible - in my opinion.