Nola or Stella?

See the results of this poll: Nola or Stella?

Respondents: 23 (This poll is closed)

  • Stella Catherine: 11 (48%)
  • Nola Catherine: 12 (52%)

I voted for [name]Stella[/name]. When I see [name]Nola[/name], I always think of New Orleans, [name]Louisiana[/name]. That is not necessarily a bad thing, but something to consider when choosing a name.

I love [name]Nola[/name]. Where I live there are a lot of Stellas and no Nolas.

I voted for [name]Nola[/name], but if it was [name]Estella[/name] instead of [name]Stella[/name] I would totally vote for that. [name]Maren[/name] and [name]Nola[/name] - such cute names for sisters! :slight_smile: