There’s a woman in Mexico whose going to delivery Nontuplets (6 girls, 3 boys) by C section in [name]May[/name]. She already has triplets. She’ll hold the world record for most babies delivered with the former Octomom coming in second.
On another note, I saw another person here on Nameberry talking about the name [name]Fisher[/name]. Coincidentally, there’s a new boy in my daycare whose name is [name]Fisher[/name]. He’s 2 and I just met him today. He seems to be a really uncomfortable child.
The picture in that article is definitely not a nontuplet belly. Or if it is… maybe I should go get another ultrasound, because at 23 weeks I’m already almost that big.
Nine babies all at once, that’s gonna be intense. Plus, she’ll have had twelve kids in just two pregnancies!
If they all survive, her family won’t want for anything for quite awhile, what will all the free stuff they’ll be getting.
[name]Man[/name], is Octomom going to be PISSED. But in all seriousness, I don’t know why any woman anywhere would want to do this to themselves. It’s an incredible health risk for mom and for all nine babies. It just doesn’t make sense.
Naming nine children would be fun. On the flip side, the idea of carrying, birthing and raising 9 babies of the same age makes me break out in a cold sweat! She sure is a brave lady. I know I wouldn’t be able to do it.
Also, her triplets were only a few weeks old when she conceived the nontuplets. Her body must be broken from all the stress she has put it under. It’ll be a very, very long recovery process after they’re born.
I agree with all of you. This seems like it will be a lot harder than she anticipated. She was taking fertility treatments before she got pregnant with these 9. I don’t know why she need them with triplets already but it’s going to be so hard for her. I feel bad for her, and for the 3 she already has since all her attention will be on the new ones.
I would like to know what she decides to name them all though.
You know, at least my local newspaper states that the story wasn’t true at all;) She wasn’t even pregnant, apparently, and she had three kids of different ages. Guess Octomom can relax!
Well that’s interesting! I trust discovery news so it’s interesting that they would pick up a fake story. Why would the woman lie abotu that kind of thing?
The reason so many outlets picked up this hoax is because her whole town was behind it. Well, her whole town was tricked into being behind it. The mayor was saying he would provide her with a home, financial support, and would act as a godfather to the babies, but it came out from family members of the woman that she wasn’t really pregnant and that she had some mental issues.
On the bright side, at least the whole world wouldn’t have to watch those poor babies suffer. There is no way all 9 babies in a nontuplet pregnancy would be born healthily.
Probably because she has a borderline personality disorder and maybe those three kids she does have should be reevaluated. That you guys would be so cavalier about some crazy woman being implanted with enough embryos to produce nine fetuses is mind-boggling. The idea that this would not be criminal is also mind-boggling. [name]Even[/name] dogs and pigs have a hard time with nine offspring. I am so glad that this is not true.
[name]Just[/name] to let you know, [name]Nadia[/name] “Octomom” Suleman has 14 kids not just 8. And don’t feel sorry for her. It was her idea to have fertility treatments even though she already had 3. I understand another baby, but if you can’t get pregnant or don’t have a boyfriend or a husband then adopt. You don’t need to set a world record by having babies. That is just rude. It’s like saying “I had 12 kids just to set a world record and now I don’t have enough money to support them because I only have one job so I can use the rest of my time with the kids. And they all want my attention but there is one of me and 12 of them. [name]Feel[/name] bad for me. Please. I need money. [name]Don[/name]'t you feel bad for me?”