Nora & Jack?

I have recently been obsessed with planning my children’s names.
Right now I am set on [name]Nora[/name] and [name]Jack[/name] as a sib set.
I want 2 or 3 kids.
Please tell me what you think of these combinations.

[name]Nora[/name], [name]Jack[/name] & [name]Theodore[/name].

[name]Jack[/name], [name]Theodore[/name] & [name]Eli[/name].

I need two other girl names to help with these combinations:

[name]Nora[/name], ____ & [name]Jack[/name].

[name]Nora[/name], ____ & ____.

Also suggest some middle names if you want.
I am open to a big more adventurous and spunky middle names for these names!


Thanks a lot.


[name]Nora[/name], [name]Jack[/name] and [name]Theodore[/name] are cute…

I can vision the following in the sibset…


Thanks I love [name]Clara[/name] and [name]Celia[/name]. I love [name]Lucy[/name] and [name]Pearl[/name] too, but I can’t picture them on an adult… :frowning:
Would [name]Clara[/name] and [name]Nora[/name] be too cheesy together if they both end in a ?

I think [name]Claire[/name] and [name]Nora[/name] would go well together…both classics with different endings.

I like all the names you listed. They would all go lovely together.
