Not baby names, but an article about husbands taking their wives' names.

This is a story about a husband in [name]Florida[/name] who took his wife’s last name out of respect for her cultural customs. He wound up getting his license suspended (for fraud) and apparently only 9 states allow for men to change their names due to marriage. I feel like it’s completely reasonable for a man to take his wife’s name if that’s what works for them. What do you guys think?

Only 9 states? Yet women are allowed to take their husband’s names? Its a bit ridiculous really in this day and age.

Technically a man can take his wife’s last name in any state…but in the ones except for those nine he’d have to go the route that those legally changing their names for other reasons do (file a court petition, pay the fees, have a judge sign the order).

I know several couples [name]IRL[/name] who hyphenated both last names for themselves and later of course for their children.

But I do find it antiquated that there are court fees etc involved with a male dropping his surname and taking his wives, that is plain silly.

I’m going through the process to change my last name, not due to marital reasons, and it’s really a pain. It may just be a matter of more difficulty and expense, while those 9 states allow for the easier process for either women or men.

In the unlikely eventuality I end up marrying a cisgendered man, he had better either take my name, hyphenate his name, or accept that we will have different last names. My surname is my only connection to my grandfather and I’m keeping it.

It’s not exactly serious but I go on forums a lot and some guys who are fans of a female celebrity Ie: sport stars, singers, etc have their screen name be Mr. insertfemalecelebrity.