Thank you ladies for your responses!
Kateinlouvain, I am still young. So there is no hurry. That is all so true though. Men normally don’t dream of babies… but it seemed as if he was really into it when he’d bring it up in conversation. Like we’d be watching a show on TV and nothing particular that I could see would bring up babies, but he’d just mention something like “I like ____ as a name” or “You know, I was thinking about how our kid would be so beautiful” or even “I think when we have kids we’ll raise like ____” or whatever. And it seemed as if he put a lot of thought into it. But no doubt he doesn’t think of babies as much as I do. And thanks for that saying… I think it really helps honestly <3 I’m not on the pill anymore, and he knows. His thing for now is “we wont try, but we won’t try not to” sort of deal. At the moment at least. I am considering going back on the pill if he feels he wants to wait a significant time though… I’ll have to talk to him about it <3
Mmm, pregnancy is contagious jessicat11!!! And thats very true… I get confused there too. Sometimes he seems SO sure that he’s ready! Then he occasionally would bring up the “only a year” (or the “not now”) and I will just accept it. Part of the thing is thought, I’m very straitforward in what I want and expect the same of others… and when they aren’t I get messed up. Hehe, honestly just getting it out there and seeing these responses has made me feel a million times better And I totally agree that pressuring is totally not the way. I haven’t tried rushing anything, and I am not into pressuring him. I’ve told him that the decision is up to him when we have kids, because I’ll always be ready. But I want him to be ready and I want him to want it too. It’ll be a much more enjoyable experience for both of us if its unanimous to wanting the child. And it’s only fair to the child to have two parents who are agreeable if you can possibly give it.
I definitely want to let him know how I feel, bluejuniper, but I almost feel as if it’d feel pushy to say something about it I’m trying to figure out how I can say my expectations were let down or something and not seem as if I’m saying “I want this baby in a year because you said one year” sort of thing. Hopefully we’ll get back onto the same page soon <3 We both have the weekend off of work, so we’ll have some time to chat.
Tinabina, I think I’ll ask just that! Why he suggested the timeline if he’s not sure of it. I don’t plan on rushing into anything, I just am feeling a little upset at the fact he wasn’t completely honest upfront about the TTC thing, because I respect him wanting to wait- even if its hard on me <3
laurenb, marriage just isn’t one of those things that mean much to me. We’ve talked about marriage, but honestly we’d only do it for the legal matters. We already decided we want to stay together forever, and I trust his word as he does mine. Honestly, marriage means different things to everyone. And I don’t think its necessary to have a piece of paper just to successfully live together and raise a child. And I actually know a few people in my church who’ve done it! Maybe its a little more normal to me after seeing it in action, but I just believe everyone is entitled to their own lifestyle. And this might be ours
crunchymama, thanks so much!!! Its funny how guys views all differ from the ladies, or at least tend to. If he asked me to marry him, I would just because. Though its not something thats necessarily important to us in particular. And not to knock him or anything, but I can see that he does have a bit of growing up to do. But I guess I also see it as things can change a lot in a year. And if a year comes and he still seems unready, I would be fine with extending the timeline. I think the two of us really should have a sit down. Would it be weird to write out a list for him so he can see how I feel? Pro’s and con’s and all? <3
I suppose it’s old fashioned idea (; but it does have some validity. We have considered marriage, I guess its just not “us”. We live together, and we’ve been dating a couple years. However we’ve known each other much longer than those couple of years. We’ve lived on the same street since we were about a year old. So we definitely know each other, and have spent lots of time together bonding even before we officially started dating.
Honestly, that probably would make a lot of sense <3 It honestly has a bit to do with why I want another so badly, but for him, its probably different. I’m so sorry about your marital issues and miscarriages though!!! It seems to effect my BF in a much different manner than I <3 I can’t help but think about how things would be if I were still pregnant, and how far along I’d be and about telling family and all. Which whenever I think about it, I want it more and more.
Maybe she was. I did discuss why I wanted a child now, but I left out the miscarriage <3 I don’t really like to talk to anyone about it. I know she can’t help as much if I leave things out, but its really a sensitive topic for me. I do discuss my relationship and I told her about my family life/issues at home as well so she could have a broader view of me. She did speculate that a reason for my wanting a baby is probably partially how my family life was a less than pleasant experience and I might want to try for a family that is functional, which is partially true. But mostly she just pushed me away. I’ve spent a good portion of my teenage years thinking about pro’s and con’s to babies, and why I wanted them. Of course I had no intentions of having a baby at sixteen, but I still thought things out for the future. So now that I’m older and things seem so much more possible, it feels right. Work is going so great for me and my BF, and our relationship is still going well. In all the many years I’ve known him, we honestly have never once fought. Even with living together. And we discussed how we’d raise the child and definitely agree on everything from religions to discipline to everything else. <3 But my therapist didn’t seem to understand that for me its harder to wait because I don’t have any more goals in my life besides baby. I’ve completed school, I’ve got a job, a place to live… everything I’ve ever wanted before is done. And the only thing left is baby. So she’ll say “your still so young go experience life to the fullest” but I am not a party girl, I don’t want to take any huge vacations, and there’s nothing out there that interests me besides having a child
Your reply has really helped me so much though!! Thank you so much <3
sweet1292, thank you for the support on having babies young/unwed. I honestly think everyone is entitled to their own lifestyle, and it works for some better than others. I’ve always been so comfortable around babies/toddlers/kids in general <3 It feels right to me, I suppose. Congrats on your baby though! I know I can easily wait some before having a baby [though the actual waiting is a tad stressful]. Oh no worries, I have no intentions of trying to trick him! I don’t want to fall pregnant until he is entirely sure he wants one. Because I want the baby to bring us to the next step of love and commitment, not drive us apart. And I don’t want him resenting me or the baby. And I feel like something so dishonest would cause major trust issues. I respect him waiting if he feels unready and I will wait until he is [and definitely not pressure him AT ALL], it just hurts that he suggested the timeline of a year then just suddenly changed it. I get the feeling he was thinking six years this entire time but just kept saying a year to make me happy or something? I have been putting off talking to him for a bit. And maybe waiting a couple months would be best! Maybe he just needs some time to think. Because he has options too, and a right to live how he wants. He’s not the party type or anything, but he’s still entitled to being young if he wants. Again, I just wish he was honest from the beginning about the timeline so I wouldn’t get my hopes up <3