Not sure which one?

[name]Leonardo[/name] or Leopald? Which do you like best??

I prefer [name]Leopold[/name] over both. With these spellings I prefer [name]Leonardo[/name].

[name]Leonardo[/name], for sure.

I prefer [name]Leonardo[/name] with the spellings you have, but over all, I would prefer [name]Leopold[/name].

I think there are better [name]Leo[/name] names though :stuck_out_tongue:

I love both but [name]Leopold[/name] (this spelling) just edges it.

[name]Leopold[/name] is my favorite. Between [name]Leonardo[/name] and Leopald, I prefer [name]Leonardo[/name].

[name]Leonardo[/name]! [name]Love[/name] the meaning.