Now that I have named my 2 boys...should i name my girl,,,,

My 18 year old is named [name]Russell[/name] [name]Andrew[/name]… My 14 year old is [name]Wyatt[/name] Grisam and I am considering naming may FIRST GIRL [name]Esme[/name] Peralchia (the middle name is PEAR-ALL-SHA, its a family name on my hubby’s side). My husband’s family has strong genes and anyone born from his side all have thick, dark brown hair, fair skin, royal blue eyes and very full lips. Does [name]Esme[/name] sound to delicate for this look? I know she will inherit them. I on the other hand am naturally blonde, gray eyed and pale. HELP!

[name]Hi[/name]! I think [name]Esme[/name] is a gorgeous name, and very suited to the physical description you provided. (I think more people will see you post and respond if you place it in another section of the message boards, such as girls’ names or sibling names.) Best wishes to you and your family! :slight_smile:

I have always loved the name [name]Esme[/name] (ever since reading it in one of [name]Salinger[/name]'s short stories). I think it will go beautifully with the features you described and also the sibling names. I also love the unique middle name! Perfect choice IMHO.

I agree with your girls name to start with E… [name]Emeline[/name] is one of my favorites. I was the only daughter (after two boys as well), so my mother was excited to go girly! I am a [name]Cristina[/name] [name]Ashley[/name]. With two much older brothers, it is not so likely she will turn out to be a tomboy. I also like a strong yet feminine name like [name]Rachel[/name] or [name]Regina[/name] or [name]Reagan[/name].

I think that name would look stunning with with those features! Beautiful!

I think that sounds lovely. And congratulations :slight_smile:

[name]Esme[/name] is absolutely gorgeous. I think it would fit the description you gave.