Now the boyfriend!

In order to reference the story I am talking about see my previous thread:

(I did finally decide on a name for said sister, I decied I really liked the suggestion of [name]Miranda[/name] with the nn [name]Randy[/name])

But now I’m having trouble naming [name]Randy[/name]'s long time sweetheart. I wanted him to have a sort of soft name (I really wanted [name]Gray[/name] for his last time) I thought [name]Oren[/name] [name]Gray[/name] was a great name, soft and still strong like I wanted. But then the name [name]Gable[/name] popped into my head and I really like that, too. It sounds strong and I like the way it sounds and feels when I say it. But [name]Gable[/name] [name]Gray[/name] doesn’t really work together so now I need opinions nad suggestions. Perhaps some other names that might work for him?

[name]Gable[/name] [name]Gray[/name] actually sounds quite cool!!


Here are a few names for you to look at;

[name]Soren[/name] [name]Gray[/name]
[name]Lyndon[/name] [name]Gray[/name]
[name]Erving[/name] [name]Gray[/name]
[name]Lachlan[/name] [name]Gray[/name]
[name]Fifer[/name] [name]Gray[/name]
[name]Madoc[/name] [name]Gray[/name]
Mansel [name]Gray[/name]
[name]Albany[/name] [name]Gray[/name]

I really like [name]Oren[/name] [name]Grey[/name]. [name]Gable[/name] [name]Grey[/name] is very super hero’s secret identity - [name]Clark[/name] [name]Kent[/name], [name]Peter[/name] [name]Parker[/name], [name]Gable[/name] [name]Grey[/name]. I think it could work and be very cool, but it depends on the vibe of your story.

[name]Cary[/name] / [name]Carey[/name]
[name]Vale[/name] / [name]Vail[/name]

Well this particular character is the longtime sweetheart of [name]Randy[/name] who has been missing for 8 years at the beginning of the story. After her disappearance he falls into a deep depression, tries to commit suicide and ends up hospitalized and on 24/7 suicide watch. At the beginning of the story he has been instatutionalized for 3 years. When [name]Arianne[/name] gets a letter that she believes is from her sister and meets PI/ex-journalist [name]Larson[/name] [name]Beck[/name] she goes to see ___ [name]Gray[/name]…thinking she may still be alive he makes a break for it, escapes the institution and goes on his own hunt for his lost love.

I like the suggestion of [name]Soren[/name] and [name]Lachlan[/name]. I also like [name]Carey[/name] and [name]Nolan[/name]. [name]Vale[/name] and [name]Galen[/name] are also possibilities. I think [name]Oren[/name] and [name]Gable[/name] are still top of my list tho.