Family One
LN: Reed [drvc]
DH: Nicholas Adrian Reed (Adventure Guide) [drvc & ArrowTheMonarch]
DW: Elisabeth “Lisa” Joy Reed (nee Hemingway) (Hospital Play Therapist) [Indilee & lolaybimba]
-DS: Edmund Sparrow Reed [writersrock]
-DS/DS: William Terrence / Howard Cole Reed [drvc / namelover55]
-DD: Dorothy Temperance Reed [szinkle]
+Pomeranian: Noodle [Ren113]
Nicholas and Lisa are expecting their fifth and final baby: another little girl!
They’d like their daughters first name to have a vintage feel and flow well wither her siblings names. Her middle name honours Elisabeth’s sister - Catherine Faith - without using her exact names.
Family Two
LN: Campbell [lifesaboutmusic]
DH: Jameson Mayer Campbell (Anaesthesiologist) [lifesaboutmusic & lolaybimba]
DW: Carina Francesca Campbell (nee Bianchi) (Marine Biologist) [lifesaboutmusic & chamwue]
-DC: River Quinn Campbell [whimsyberry]
-DC/DC: Bailey Reese / Emery Lennox Campbell [Elevendy_Seven / VEL]
+Mini Lop Rabbit: Madeleine [namelover55]
+Holland Lop Rabbit: Wyvern [Ren113 & Gingilocks101]
Carina and River are expecting their fourth a final child, and once again they’re not finding out the gender.
Baby’s first name is gender neutral and ends in ‘-son’ and their middle name begins with a consonant.
Family Three
LN: Woodward-Collins [namelover55 & Indilee]
DH: Alexander Levi Woodward (Video Game Developer) [namelover55 & Lyrical Squid]
DH: Tadhg David Collins (Tattoo Artist*) [Indilee & WildPosey]
-DAS: Kieran Branimir Woodward-Collins [Elevendy_Seven]
-DAS: David Hugo Woodward-Collins [Ren113]
-DAD: Helena Isolde Woodward-Collins [SuzieKim]
+Domestic Shorthair Cats: Fran & Niles [Ren113]
+Scottish Fold Cat: Clementine [chamwue & Ysdhehjrnebe]
+Scottish Fold Kittens: Marcel, Artemis & Bailey [chamwue, Indilee, SuzieKim, Gingilocks101, WildPosey & smileymiley]
Alexander and Tadhg are thrilled to be welcoming twin girls via surrogate to complete their family.
One of their daughters first names is Disney related somehow; and her middle name is Irish. Their other daughter has a name that means something positive; and her middle name is from a video game. Their first names do not start with the same letter.
Family Four
LN: Stevens [The_other_twin]
DW: Leda Eve Stevens (nee Hart) (Freelance travel photographer) [Indilee & ArrowTheMonarch]
DH: Eli Benjamin Stevens (Personal Shopper) [The_other_twin & szinkle]
-DS: Luca Bernardo Stevens [Emmilux12]
-DD/DD: Erin Gardenia / Emma Hibiscus Stevens [lifesaboutmusic / chamwue]
-DD: Lyra Violet Stevens [fivebutterflies]
+Leopard Gecko: Meeko [Ren113]
+Duck: Quackie Chan [Gingilocks101]
+Ragdoll Cat: Storm [WildPosey]
Leda and Eli wren’t expecting to have another baby but couldn’t be happier to be expecting a baby boy!
His first name is four letters long and begins with E; and his middle name is a guilty pleasure of yours.
Family Five
LN: Finney [namelover55]
DW: Emma-Louise Violet Finney (Financial Advisor) [namelover55]
DW: Olivia “Lemon” Audrey Finney (nee Fitzpatrick) (Underwater Crime Scene Investigator) [lifesaboutmusic & Gingilocks101]
-DD: Billie-Rose “Sunny ” Amelia Finney [Ren113]
-DS/DS/DD: Dean “Ziggy” Sterling / Caleb “Red” Orion / Lana-Blue “Posey” Estelle Finney [lifesaboutmusic / SuzieKim / VEL]
+German Shepherd x Golden Retriever: Charlie [Ren113 & ArrowTheMonarch]
Emma-Louise and Lemon are both expecting and are due a couple of weeks apart! Emma-Louise is expecting a little boy and Lemon is expecting a girl.
The couple want their son to have a first name that was popular in the 2010s; and a middle name that was below 500 the year you were born. He will go by a nickname that has no relevance to his first name.
Their daughter will have a hyphenated first name but will go by a nickname that has no relevance to her first name. Her middle name has an animal meaning.