Number of Posts per Page???

is there any way we can view more posts per page???

especially for threads where there are hundreds of pages - itd be so much faster and cleaner to at least double the posts per page to 10, so instead of 300 clicks to a new page just to see 5 more posts, its 150 clicks to see 10 more.

plus sometimes you really have to dig to find posts that are even worth reading, being able to scan and scroll quickly down the page until someone catches your eye, this would help the ‘ugh ive been clicking forever…this isnt worth it’ feeling - it burns a person out so you have to take a break from the site and therefore use it less.

the option of choosing 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, or view all would be amazing

Yes there is! I found it about a week ago because the 5-posts-per-page thing was driving me up the wall! I think it’s under “settings”. There’s a “post per page” part, and it’ll (probably) say “forum default”. CHANGE THAT! Hahah, I have it at 20 posts per page, but I think you can bring it up to 50 or something.

ETA: It’s Settings, then [name_m]General[/name_m] Settings (found on the left hand bar), then scroll to “Number of posts to show per page” and you can pick from 5, 10, 20, 30 or 40 :slight_smile:

Thank you both!
@orphanedhandyou for asking the question and @lucialucentum for showing me how to adjust it.
I’ve been wondering about this for sometime

No problem! I was relieved when I found this was an option :slight_smile:

So thankful I found this thread! The 5 posts a page thing was driving me mad.

Can you do it on your phone? When I go to account settings, the only options are too change your name and password.

This is killing me!!!

Nevermind, I just found it. I never knew that other “Settings” existed!! (Why aren’t they together?) I was also able to adjust it to my time zone, which I didn’t know was possible. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Oh thank goodness. That was infuriating… like ‘‘page 2 of 48’’… uh, no thank you.

I’ll try and change it now.

Ooh yey!

[name_m]Just[/name_m] changed my time zone too. That was a bit annoying as well.