
What are your opinions on this unique name? It’s pronounced ny-lee-see-uh.

Please be honest.

An interesting name, but not my particular style; I’m unsure if it is a legitimate name with usage or a made up one?

I’d personally prefer it spelled Nylesia or Nilesia.

I know two people with this name

Something about the spelling makes it look quite made-up to me. And it reminds me of nylon?
If it was spelt differently, like Nilesia I’d like it more. Nickname Niley is cute.

I like it! I’d prefer Nylesia more tho

I’m not a fan. It sounds made up to me and sort of like a disease :grimacing: I’d prefer [name_f]Nyla[/name_f] or [name_f]Nisha[/name_f].

Ok thank you!

I don’t like how it looks but it has an interesting sound

It has a lovely sound but at first glance I thought it looked like a name of a medicine.

I’m not a fan. [name_f]My[/name_f] brain was really struggling trying to read those letters together and I was nowhere close on the pronunciation. I agree with a previous poster that it seems kind of made up and reminds me of nylon as well.

I’d try to pronounce it Ny-lee-sha. It does look quite made-up

I agree with previous posters that say it sounds made up or like a disease.

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I think it’s too hard to read, maybe changing the spelling would help. Adding two e’s or changing the c to and s might be help. Nyleesia is the best way i can think to spell it. it’s sounds very pretty