Ocean-related middle names

We are looking for a boy’s middle name that has a connection to the sea. Basically anything that means wave/surf/sea/ocean. The limitations are that the name can’t start with a ‘k’ sound and can’t end with an “-en”, “-on”, or “-an.”

We already checked out the “Water Names” article and didn’t find anything that felt right. Any suggestions are very much appreciated!

On the top of my head were [name]Kai[/name] and [name]Dylan[/name] but they don’t meet your criteria.


  • [name]Delmer[/name]/[name]Delmar[/name] - Spanish - “of the sea”
  • [name]Lamar[/name] - Latin - “of the sea”
  • [name]Marino[/name]/Marinus - Latin - “of the sea”
  • [name]Merrill[/name] - Gaelic - “bright as the sea”
  • [name]Mortimer[/name] - French - “dead sea”
  • Murdoch/[name]Murdock[/name] - Gaelic - “sea”
  • [name]Pelagios[/name] - Greek - “belonging to the sea”
  • [name]Arnav[/name]/Arnava - Sanskrit - “ocean, sea; stream, wave”
  • Avisa - Sanskrit - “sky; ocean; king; life-giving”
  • Galel - Hebrew - “wave of God”
  • [name]Irving[/name] - English - “green water”
  • Kairava - Sanskrit - “born from the water”
  • [name]Kyle[/name] - Gaelic - “strait of water”
  • [name]Moses[/name] - Hebrew - “drawn out of the water”

I know a guy whose mn is Ural-[name]Lamar[/name]. I think it means [name]Blue[/name] sea. I know it has something to do with the ocean. I think it is definitely interesting! Good luck! If I think of more I will post again later. :slight_smile:

I keep thinking of names but they all end with n or start with k/c. Are there any names of beaches that you like? The first one I thought of was [name]Destin[/name], which wouldn’t work for you but there are tons of beaches with nice names. The meaning may have nothing to do with the ocean, but the destination does :slight_smile:

I love [name]Reef[/name]/Reif for a boys name but it all depends on your pick of a first name :slight_smile:

Agh, I only know of [name]Caspian[/name] and that violates both of your rules >.<


[name]Pacific[/name]! it’s the perfect ocean name, and the double meaning of peaceful is pure bliss :slight_smile: