I’m just really curious to know the thoughts here because I feel like even though there almost identical, that they have completely different feelings to them
I agree that they have very different vibes despite being similar. I personally prefer [name_m]Octavian[/name_m] but I can’t really describe why.
Yes, they give off such different vibes. To me, Octavius feels mich more grand, and kinda pretentious. Octavian, however, is much more grounded. I imagine Octavius as a very ambitious kid, the class president, while Octavian has a more laid-back and geeky vibe!
I’m usually an -us person [Aurelius, [name_m]Lucius[/name_m], Flavius,…] but here I like the softness the -an ending adds as the rest of the name already feels heavy/strong sound-wise.
I prefer [name_m]Octavian[/name_m]! [name_m]Octavius[/name_m] feels very “ancient [name_m]Roman[/name_m] soldier” to me, whereas [name_m]Octavian[/name_m] feels more friendly and cool for a modern kid.
I prefer the flow of [name_m]Octavius[/name_m]