You are 27 years old and your husband is 29 years old. You guys ahve been married for 3 years and are ready to have children.
Whats your name? [name]Emily[/name] [name]Rayne[/name] Sariov
What your husbands name? [name]Carson[/name] [name]Wyatt[/name] Sariov
When you go to the doctor to see if you can ahve children, he says you cant so you and your husband decide to go for fertility treatments. The doctor says you have a high risk of having multiples, but you guys are alright with that. He inserts 7 eggs into you hoping one or two will attach. 3 weeks later you return to see if it worked, and wala! it did.
You starting getting big farley quickly and so you go and make an ultarsound appointment. When the doctor checks, she is shocked. 8 BABIES! You are crying and cant believe it. All seven eggs attached and the 7th one split into 8.
Months go by and now you are 29 weeks and gianormous, the babies will be coming in 6 weeks.
The day is here and all babies arrive healthy, each babies weighs at least 3 lbs. You have 5 boys and 3 girls.
The first baby is a boy, he has a nature first name, with his fathers middlename.
: [name]Kelvin[/name] [name]Wyatt[/name]
The second baby is boy, he has a biblical first name and a biblical middle.
- [name]Noah[/name] [name]Aaron[/name]
The third baby is a girl, she has a unique and cute first name and a virtue middle. - [name]Angela[/name] [name]Grace[/name]
The fourth baby is a boy, he has a first name staring with a vowel and a middle name after his grandfather. - [name]Alexander[/name] [name]Jove[/name]
The fifth baby is a girl, she has a nature first name and two middle names, one after a flower the other your moms name. - [name]Willow[/name] [name]Lauren[/name] [name]Rose[/name]
The sixth baby is a girl, she has a trendy first name and a long middle. - [name]Kayla[/name] [name]Christine[/name]
The seveth baby is a boy, he has a 1 syllabol first name and your fathers name as his middle. - [name]Dane[/name] [name]Rodger[/name]
The eigth baby is the last boy, his first name is a athletic guys last name and an old fashioned middle name. - [name]Jordan[/name] [name]Edward[/name]