What does everyone think about the name Odyssey for a boy? It doesn’t even have a listing on nameberry so I can’t see associations or anything! [name_m]Can[/name_m] anyone think of any negative associations or anything?
I think it’s a very cool name and I’m actually quite shocked that it doesn’t have an entry! I can’t think of any strong associations past the obvious Homer’s “Odyssey.”
Middle name only IMO…
I’m with @the_common_fool— lovely, no strong associations besides the obvious, and (dare I say it) usable !!
i agree with @mea.ola
I really like it- can be shortened to [name_m]Odi[/name_m] if you’re a fan of nns as well.
I like it i think it’s pretty out there! I do think [name_m]Odysseus[/name_m] is on nameberry though
Ooh Odyssey is bold and cool. I quite like it
I think it’s a pretty cool name. The only negative I can think of would be “Od” and odd and odour.
You might like [name_m]Odysseus[/name_m] and [name_m]Ulysses[/name_m] as well.
It’s brave, but it feels in line with modern adventurous word names.
I prefer [name_m]Odysseus[/name_m]. But Odyssey seems usable to me. I like it.
I like it.
Thank you to everyone who responded. We are really liking Odyssey, especially with all your reassurance, so it’s at the top of the list and could very well be baby boy’s name. The only problem now is finding a middle name to go with it. Any suggestions?
odyssey amadeus came to mind !!
Something short and modern or classic sounding I think.
Odyssey [name_u]Jack[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_u]Rain[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_u]Jett[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_m]Fred[/name_m]
Odyssey [name_u]Daniel[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_u]Blake[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_u]John[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_u]Kit[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_u]James[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_u]Elliot[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_u]Rhys[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_u]Claude[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_u]River[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_u]Fox[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_u]Gray[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_u]George[/name_u]
For me, it is too much. It has a strong connection to The Oddyssey, and even if there wasn’t that connection, I just wouldn’t like it.
seconding the poster above - outside the nameberry bubble i don’t think this would get a positive reception. between the bullying potential for an odd name that literally contains the sound “odd” and the fact that i am generally hesitant to use the name of a well-known work of art on a child who may or may not appreciate the association, i would limit it to a middle or not use at all.
I love it and think it’s actually much more refreshing than [name_m]Odysseus[/name_m]. I agree with the suggestion to pair it with something really traditional and/or short to tone it down maybe like …
Odyssey [name_u]James[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_u]Jack[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_u]Greyson[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_u]Jay[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_u]Kai[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_m]Jove[/name_m]
Odyssey [name_m]Cole[/name_m]
Odyssey [name_u]Liam[/name_u]
Odyssey [name_u]Jace[/name_u]
Where I’m from odyssey is often used to describe a hard or long journey, say you’re driving somewhere and your car breaks down and you’re five hours late to the airport and miss your flight; or your train doesn’t arrive and you have to use three buses to make the journey. It just has a very negative connotation.
I know that the mythology connection is common everywhere but I’m not sure if the word also gets as much daily usage in other parts of the world.
For that reason I’d say it isn’t usable, though [name_m]Odysseus[/name_m] definitely could be.