I am not sure if it is already a name but I wanted to use [name]Ofelia[/name] pronounced oh-fae-lee-ah instead of oh-feel-ee-ah. So I decided to change the spelling and add an a. What do you think of the name Ofaelia? Is it cute or is it tacky
I actually kind of love it. I wish I liked the name [name]Ophelia[/name]/[name]Ofelia[/name], but that “felia” at the end just reminds me of SO many unpleasant things, (necrophilia, paedophilia, etc…are there any good philia’s?) Ofaelia has the same flavour, but by changing that one sound, it feels more usable to me. It’s a good way to insure correct pronunciation, but for the record, I think, “[name]Ofelia[/name]” could be validly pronounced oh-FAEL-ee-ya, too.
It looks terrible. Pretty pronunciation, but to look at it is pretty bad.
I’m not a fan of oh-fae-lee-ah
The ending reminds me of “failure”. Probably more so because I live near [name]Boston[/name]
I’m not a fan of the sound of Ofaelia. It sounds like mispronunciation of [name]Ophelia[/name]. My other thing is that it’s awfully close to having ‘fail’ in her name.
I think it would look better with the spelling Ophaelia.
I agree with the other posters who mentioned the sound “fail” in the name. That unfortunately popped out at me too.
Other names you might like : [name]Availia[/name] , [name]Ovalia[/name]
Agreed on the “failure” sound in the middle of her name – it has bad phonetics. Also, with the Shakespearean connection to “[name]Ophelia[/name]” I’ve never understood the attraction to that name. You’re basically naming your daughter after a pathetic figure “incapable of her own distress” who kills herself. Now I’m not superstitious, but there are a thousand other GREAT women of fiction to choose as a namesake. [name]How[/name] about [name]Cordelia[/name]? (kind of the same sound) She was [name]King[/name] Lear’s good daughter, a much better role model for little girls.