Oh Glee! You're ruining it!

For years I’ve loved the name [name]Quinn[/name] for a girl. Then Glee came out and I’m now expecting a girl in [name]March[/name]. Arrgh!

So my question is…how popular is this name getting? [name]Do[/name] you know any baby girls in the last 2 years or so named [name]Quinn[/name]? Anyone else considering this name?

Not really relevant I suppose, but I know a grown up girl [name]Quinn[/name]. I don’t think it’s shockingly popular yet but I imagine it’s climbed a bit since Glee came out. I don’t think [name]Quinn[/name] is in the newest series though?

I associate [name]Quinn[/name] with the little sister on “[name]Daria[/name].” I guess it wasn’t the mega hit that Glee is today, but I don’t see [name]Quinn[/name] rising because of it.

In answer to your other question, I don’t know any baby girl Quinns or adult Quinns.

I just saw a BA in my doctors office for a [name]Jacqueline[/name] nn [name]Quinn[/name], maybe you could use it as a nn for something else? I don’t think it’s going to shoot up the charts though so imo [name]Quinn[/name] in any form is usable.

I know one girl named [name]Quincy[/name], but no Quinns. [name]Both[/name] great names.

I’ve never met anyone named [name]Quinn[/name]. I don’t think it’s as popular as it might seem. Most “Gleeks” I know stopped watching the show a while back anyway…

ETA: I take that back. I had a class with a guy named [name]Quin[/name] a while back, but [name]Quin[/name] was short for Quintavious (which he hated).

I don’t think people watching Glee are going to be old enough to have kids anytime soon, so I think you are safe with that.
[name]Quinn[/name] is a great name for a girl. I say use it, especially since you loved the name for a long time

According to the SSA, only 1600 baby girls were named [name]Quinn[/name] in 2011. That is not that many when you think about it! There were over 20,000 Sophias and 19,000 Isabellas. In 1960 there were 50,000 [name]Marys[/name] and in 1990 there was 46,000 Jessicas! There are so many names now that people can choose from that even the most popular names aren’t that popular when you compare them to the top 10 names 20, 30 or 50 years ago!

Nope, I don’t know anyone in person!

I knew of the name [name]Quinn[/name] before Glee, from Zoey101. I say go for it, and check the SSA for your state if you’re the US.

I know a [name]Quinn[/name] who is in fifth grade. But, I was looking at Nameberry’s popularity, and it seems like [name]Quinn[/name] is heading up the charts. It was 188 in 2011, but it will most likely be higher in 2012, as unisex names are red hot.

However, it depends on what popular means to you. Actually, as uselesskitty, the names aren’t really as popular as they seem. Think about it, though, in twelve years, if your darling goes to a huge middle/secondary school, it is very possible for her to be a [name]Quinn[/name] Last Initial. But, at a large school, most kids are First Name Last Name.

I’ve never met anyone named [name]Quinn[/name]. Like east93 said I first heard the name [name]Quinn[/name] on Zoey101 a few years ago way before Glee. I watch Glee sometimes, and Glee isn’t the first thing that pops to mind when I hear the name [name]Quinn[/name]. Glee may have made [name]Quinn[/name] more known, but I don’t think Glee’s ruined the name. You should go ahead and use it if you feel like it’s “the one”. :slight_smile:

I know a 6 yo boy [name]Quinn[/name].

There were only 630 girls named [name]Quinn[/name] in 2009, 1680 in 2011. I’d say it’s moving pretty quickly. I’ve heard it a couple of times via Facebook friends/acquaintances, but if I remember correctly it was used as a mn.

I think it’s okay. Plus, [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Quinn[/name] Fabray from glee is not a bad connection. Me, I’m considering this name too, but I don’t think I’ll actually use it. [name]Just[/name] love it.

Two of my friends (in different states) named their baby girls [name]Quinn[/name] in the last year. Based on my small sampling my impression was that the name was getting very popular, but it sounds like maybe this was just a coincidence? I have to say it does look like it’s rising quickly, but as a pp pointed out that still doesn’t equal very many Quinns total!

I like [name]Quinn[/name] better on a boy, but I get what you mean. [name]Quinn[/name] was also a character on [name]How[/name] I Met Your Mother last season… This always happens with pop culture though, some names become more popular ([name]Phoebe[/name] and Friends, for example).

We were going to use [name]Quinn[/name] if our 2nd had been a girl. I watched Glee for a few seasons until I got bored, and although it has moved up in popularity I don’t think it will ever be super popular. I say go for it! The only [name]Quinn[/name] I know is a colleague’s baby boy.

I’ve never known a girl named [name]Quinn[/name], only a boy who is in high school right now. I have heard of a preschool girl named [name]Quincy[/name], but that’s as close as it gets. I don’t see this one getting Top 100 popular, but it could be on the rise. If you’re concerned about your [name]Quinn[/name] having others in her class at school, check to see if local hospitals post the names and pictures of the newborns there…one of our local hospitals does. Check birth announcements in the local paper, too. That will probably give you the best feel for what’s going on in your area.

I know a baby girl named [name]Quinn[/name], but I don’t think it’s extremely popular yet.

I do not think it’s as popular as it might seem. I have never known a [name]Quinn[/name] (no boys or girls) and don’t watch Glee, so my only reference for it is from [name]Daria[/name], way back in the day. =]