Oicee, what do you think?

Watching movie called Oicee [name]Nash[/name]. I am loving the name Oicee. It’s short for something but I haven’t caught what. Pretty phonetical, pronounced oh-cee (see).

Maybe [name]Oceana[/name]/[name]Oceane[/name]? It’s interesting. Although I would spell it [name]Ocie[/name]/[name]Osie[/name]–I keep saying Oiceee as [name]OY[/name]-see! :frowning:

It could also be a nn for any name with the initials OC…

I believe in the movie it was short for [name]Josephine[/name]. It’s unusual and kind of pretty, and since it’s an unusual nickname you could play with the spelling to make it a little easier.

Ick…not my style …I see oink…hate it