Ok ladies....this Dad needs your help !

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] there ladies! My wife has posted and gotten some great feedback on our soon to be sons name. We are naming him [name_u]Luca[/name_u], and are seriously considering [name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Matteo[/name_m], which got a lot of positive responses. Now, this soon to be nervous dad needs your opinions on my true favorite name, [name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m]. We have an Italian surname, and I am religious which makes the name special to me. Can I please get some honest opinions on [name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] ? Thanks ladies and I appreciate each and every opinion !

[name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] is absolutely wonderful. It comes right off the tongue! Does [name_m]Matteo[/name_m] have any significance or do you just like the sound? Personally, I wouldn’t worry too much about what other people think of the name. It’s your baby at the end of the day and who actually cares if your friends like [name_m]Matteo[/name_m] over [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m]? (Although, I like [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] better than [name_m]Matteo[/name_m]!) Does your wife like [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] in the middle?

I love both names and can’t see you going wrong with either choice. Although I would also consider [name_m]Matteo[/name_m] to be a religious name, as [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] has a special meaning to you I think you should go for it! [name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] certainly flows. Good luck!

I love both names! I think no matter what choice you end up making you can’t really go wrong. Go with what your heart feels is right, at the end of the day as long as you are both in love with the name you chose for your son then you’ve made the right decision :slight_smile:

Wow! Thank you for the quick replies ! I feel like I may be the only dad on here! You ladies have no idea how much it means to me that you have taken the time to give your thoughts on something so important to us !!

Personally, I prefer [name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Matteo[/name_m]. I don’t care for the sound of the c in [name_u]Luca[/name_u] with [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m].

[name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] is a wonderful name! :slight_smile: It has a great sound to it and I especially love that there is special meaning to it for you.

Both names are great! I think I like [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] more.

Both names are great! As a religious person myself, I can see the importance of choosing a religious name. I consider [name_m]Matteo[/name_m] religious. Maybe not as religious as [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m], but still religious. I prefer [name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Matteo[/name_m], but both are great choices. What I would do is bring both names with you to the hospital and choose the middle when you see the baby. Maybe he’ll look more like one name than the other.

I consider [name_m]Matteo[/name_m] religious as well! Both names are so nice, it will be a tough decision !!!

I really love [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m], so I find [name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] much more appealing! I think [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] [name_u]Luca[/name_u] sounds better, though, just because it breaks up the “C” sounds more. [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m]‘s one of my favorite Italian boys’ names, though; I think it’s fantastic. I also appreciate the desire for a religiously-inspired name. :slight_smile:

I feel like I remember from your wife’s posts that she was hoping for an Irish (?) name to honor her heritage? So [name_u]Luca[/name_u] could have a little Italian and a little Irish? Did you guys give up on that? I mean, I think [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] is swoon-worthy and fantastic, but I love the idea of honoring her heritage and yours, too. I was just curious. :slight_smile:

I think [name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] sounds very handsome.

Both names do sound handsome. Sounds like the name of a future heartbreaker!

Yes that was my wife’s post about the Irish name being included, which I also thought was a great idea. After pouring over many, many Irish/Celtic names, it was actually my wife who didn’t like the flow and/or overall sound of [name_u]Luca[/name_u] paired with an Irish middle. [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] [name_u]Luca[/name_u] is great also, but [name_u]Luca[/name_u] as a first is set in stone . :slight_smile:

I also was hoping she’d put a little Irish in between the Italian first and last too but if it’s not in the cards then I definitely vote [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m].

I have nothing against [name_m]Matteo[/name_m], I think it’s a very handsome name but [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] is more impactful, more powerful, I like that it’s a bit longer and I think it’s a little more unique than [name_m]Matteo[/name_m]. I know two [name_m]Matteo[/name_m]'s who aren’t even Italian so I think it’s one of those names that has a wide appeal but that also makes it feel not quite as special as [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m].

[name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] is the clear winner for me.

[name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] sounds great!

[name_u]Luca[/name_u] is fabulous and I like both [name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Matteo[/name_m] and [name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m]. They both flow well and I don’t think you can go wrong either way, so pick something that both you and your wife love.

I sort of figured it was. :slight_smile: I just thought [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] [name_u]Luca[/name_u] sounded better. But [name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] is so handsome. Sounds like a winner to me! Especially if your wife didn’t like the sound of the Irish names. :slight_smile: You could always use an Irish name for the next one! :slight_smile:

Thanks so much everyone! Still debating, but I feel that [name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Cristiano[/name_m] is the forerunner!!!