OK to use nephew's middle name as a first name?

We really like the name “[name]Carter[/name]” for our son, but our nephew is named [name]Addison[/name] [name]Carter[/name]. Would it be rude to re-use this? We would like to use a family name as a middle name, so it would be [name]Carter[/name] [name]King[/name].

Our other top three names are [name]Bennett[/name], [name]Davin[/name], and [name]Cameron[/name].


Hard to say, as everyone’s family dynamic is different. I would definitely discuss it with [name]Addison[/name] [name]Carter[/name]'s parents just to make sure they wouldn’t be horribly offended and angry. Then if they don’t have a problem with it, you can go for it confidently, knowing there won’t be hard feelings.

I don’t see how this would be a problem, and personally wouldn’t discuss it with the other parents. It’s a middle name, not his first name. Unless they’ve ever expressed interest in calling [name]Addison[/name] “[name]Carter[/name]” in the future, it will soon be relegated to a middle initial. When was the last time you were asked what your middle name was (and how often do you know someone else’s?)

I’m usually against discussing names with family members beforehand, because while you want it to come across as making sure everything is OK, often the family interprets it as you asking them for permission. And if they think you’re asking for permission, they may very well come out and say “no.” If you wait until after the birth, there’s really not a whole lot they can do about it. If you do speak to them, I would phrase it in such a way that they will understand you are simply making announcement. Something along the lines of, “I wanted to let you guys know that we’ve always loved [name]Addison[/name]'s middle name and have decided to name our new baby [name]Carter[/name].” That way they aren’t surprised. And if you liked the name [name]Carter[/name] before your nephew was born, feel free to say so. “We must have the same taste. I’ve loved the name [name]Carter[/name] for years, and now that we’re having a boy, I’m going to use it.” If they understand you aren’t “copying” them, it might go over easier.

Ditto what clover said. [name]Carter[/name] is a popular enough name these days that they really can’t fault you for liking it and using it. It’s not like you are stealing a name they made up.