Okay, I think we've finally figured it out.

9 days to go until the due date and i’ve never been 40 weeks! yikes!
But we’ve decided on…

[name]Seraphina[/name] Lucianne

We love the meaning of [name]Seraphina[/name] (which means ardent and fiery)
and Lucianne incorporated both our mother’s middle names (lou and ann) and it means gracious bringer of light.

So, what do you think?? For a while I feared it might be a bit much but now I just love it!

[name]Seraphina[/name] Lucianne is such a pretty mouthful! It’s a lovely choice, congratulations on choosing! :smiley:

It’s quite a rich name. I would choose something less decadent as a middle name. [name]Seraphina[/name] is lovely!

There’s a whole lotta name there, and I think it sounds beautiful. I think it would look so pretty when written out in cursive.